Versions Compared


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Examples of types of actions that are prohibited at Linux Foundation meetings and in connection with Linux Foundation activities are described in the Linux Foundation Antitrust Policy available at If you have questions about these matters, please contact your company counsel, or if you are a member of the Linux Foundation, feel free to contact Andrew Updegrove of the firm of Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the Linux Foundation.


  • Rolson Quadras  (SecureKey) <>
  • Troy Ronda (SecureKey) <>Name (organization) <email>

Welcome / Introductions




  • 0.1.1 Overview
  • WebAssembly and C Bindings (Troy Ronda)
    • Folders:
      • cmd/aries-c (generates C callable shared objects and archives).
      • cmd/aries-wasm (generates Web Assembly).
      • pkg/binding/c/didexchange (C exports for DIDExchange Client).
      • pkg/binding/wasm/didexchange (WASM exports for DID Exchange Client).
      • (and so forth).
    • Testing strategy:
      • BDD (
        • WASM in browser
        )BDD (C in linux). Load
        • WASM outside browser. Load in GoLang as a wrapper client OR rewrite BDD tests in external language (JS).
        BDD (WASM
        • C outside browser
        • .
        • Load in GoLang as a wrapper client OR rewrite BDD tests in external language (JS).
      • Unit Test
        • C bindings - should be able to test exported functions directly as normal Go unit tests.
        • WASM bindings - the pre-transformed test functions should be testable as normal Go unit tests. TBD: the J

Milestone progress

  • TBD

Other business

Future topics

  • TBD

Action items

  •  TBDGroom discrepancies in rest api