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This document outlines the process for establishing and running Hyperledger working groups.  We begin with information on the process for creating a new working group. Then we define the standard process that all working groups are expected to follow. It ends with  the steps necessary after a working group is approved by the TSC.

Table of Contents

Creating a New Working Group

Following are the steps to create a new working group:

  1. Create a new working group proposal
  2. Look for other interested parties who would like to see this working group created
  3. Send an email to with a link to the proposal that you created
  4. Represent the proposal at the next TSC meeting

Process of the Group

Participation is open to everyone in the community. Meetings will be held weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly (as determined by the Chairchair) via teleconference. When needed a task force can be created and have separate working sessions to discuss specific work items.

Chair Term

The Chair chair of the working group will serve for as long as they still want to lead the working group. At which point, they will inform the TSC of their desire to step down from the position. The TSC will then appoint another chair with input from the community and existing chair.


Meeting details, meeting notes, and documentation shall be made publicly available. The following proposed items will be created:


Changes to the charter may be proposed by active group members and, if it obtains rough consensus as determined by the Chairchair, can be brought forward to TSC.


Should the scope reach completion or conversely the traffic on the various conversation forums and the teleconference activity wither to very low levels, then the Chair chair of the WG may ask the TSC to disband the WG.


In advance of every meeting, the Chair chair should send out an agenda to both the Rocket.Chat and Mailing List chat and mailing list to ensure that attendees know what will be discussed.


When a new working group gets approved, Hyperledger staff will ensure the following checklist is completed:

  • A Working Group Charter is created on the Hyperledger wiki based on the application, adding two lines ”Approved by the TSC on <date>” and “Implementing the standard working group process defined <here>”, linking to the right page on the wiki.

  • Set up real-time chat channel for the working group. Channel should be named #{working-group-name}-wg.

  • Set up the mailing lists for the working group in groups. Use io. The mailing list request form to create hyperledger-should be named {working-group-name}-wg mailing list for this project.

  • Set up a wiki page for the working group. Create a page at{working-group-name}. The initial sections on the Wiki should include: Charter, Antitrust Policy Notification, Meeting Details, Communication Channels, Community Foldernew space for the working group. Use the 

    Create from template
    buttonLabeltemplate "Home Page for Working Group"
     to create the home page within this space.

  • Set up a community folder within the Hyperledger Community folder to store meeting recordings and other documents. Give permissions to the working group chair to edit.

  • Set up a Zoom meeting id for hosting the working group meetings. This meeting should ensure that all meetings will be recorded to the cloud.Set up the quarterly working group reports for this working group. Add to the working group's calendar a reminder and to the quarterly working group schedule and working group updates pagethe TSC calendar a reminder of the dates that the update is due.

  • Send Welcome Email Template

  • Work with the working group lead to ensure that the community calendar is updated (Hyperledger Community calendar) to include the date/time of the meeting. IMPORTANT: Since a single Zoom account allows multiple IDs, but only one meeting can occur at the same time, ensure Ensure that the meeting day/time does not conflict with an existing community meeting.

  • Send out Have the lead of the working group send out a calendar invite to both the WG mailing list and to so that it is included on the Hyperledger Community calendar.