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Planned topics

  • Work updates (10 5 mins)
  • Grooming (30 20 mins)
  • Design discussion (10 20 mins)
  • Open Discussion (20 10 mins)


 (7:30AM Los Angeles, 10:30AM Toronto/New York, 3:30PM London, 17:30H Moscow)


  • Implement RecipientKeys in CreateInvitation - Firas (10 mins)
    • Next steps:
      • Review wallet RFC & Python/Rust implementations.
      • Create GitHub items.
  • State handlers - Talwinder (5 min)
    • Topic: How the response is associated to the accepted invitations?
    • Next steps:
      • Design discussion on the primary key for a connection.
      • Allow transition directly from null state to requested state.
        • Believed to be minor tweak to the code.
        • Merge current PR (hopefully today).
      • State machine needs to execute protocol actions when performing transitions.
        • Groom and create GitHub issues.
      • Registration of pre/post event listeners.
        • Groom and create GitHub issues.
  • DIDComm Inbound Handlers[#188]/LevelDB Config[#148] - Rolson (5 min)
    • Topic: Lifecycle methods for the inbound transport.
    • Next steps:
      • Implement.
      • framework.New & framework.Close
        • Underlying components will have Start/Stop
        • Expect that Inbound transport is Started for framework.New
        • Expect that Framework instantiates services (not Context)
        • Framework is missing the lower-level non-exported bootstrap context. Needs refactoring.
    • Question: should context created on each call to framework.Context()? Yes
  • DIDComm protocol service package contents - George / Sudesh (10 mins)
    • Topic: What is the API surface didcimm protocol & service packages.
    • Model differences between the API of the various clients and the DIDComm protocols (based on the RFCs).
      • Question: Where should the respective models live?
        • Answer: We do not want abstractions leaking between layers. In particular, the REST API (swagger/openAPI) special models should not be part of Client nor Protocol Service.
      • ReceiveInvitation should not be a special function in the Protocol Service. The functionality should be covered by Handle.
      • AcceptInvitation is not a function of the Protocol Service but rather an Action on an Event fired by the Protocol Service.
      • CreateInvitation is not a function of the Protocol Service but rather a static utility.
      • Event messaging should use the Go idiom of channels. In Fabric SDK Go, the lower layer would create the channel and return it to the higher layer upon registration.


  • Configuration for Framework
    • Rather than having the framework pass (and hold) a global configuration, we should directly inject appropriate configuration into each component.
      • The configured component instances are passed into the Framework constructor.
      • To make life easier for developers, we provide functional options in a defaults package that construct default packages with common options. We also envision the defaults package being able to read a configuration and construct from that configuration.
    • Inbound transport
      • Defaults to random port
      • Exposes External Endpoint and Endpoint information
        • Endpoint: The endpoint known by the transport
        • External Endpoint: The endpoint reported externally
      • Can be configured with a different external endpoint and configuration to set the Endpoint (e.g., host:port for HTTP transports).
    • Label should be an argument for CreateInvitation
    • DB storage path

Milestone progress

  • TBD

Other Business
