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  • Aries Agent Test Harness updates (~looks really good)
  • Aries VCX Modularity Discussion -
    • Removing credx, indyvdrtools, legacy?
      • Only concern is other people using these dependencies
        • Absa built a whole bunch of migration tools for them
        • Find out if other people are out there using these features/wallets
        • Communicating deprecating/removing of features/crates from Aries VCX
          • Indy wallet, wallet migrator, Credx, indy-sdk(in legacy directory)
    • anoncreds-rs types
      • Bit of a maintenance issue - in particular with new major versions of AnonCreds RS
      • Allows us to not compile AnonCreds RS if someone doesn't want to.
      • Dream solution getting AnonCreds RS making a standalone anoncreds-types crate. Thinned down crate.
        • Maybe we should approach the anoncreds-rs maintainers
        • How difficult is it to make a switch here? - depends on how good you are with your IDE (wink)
        • How urgent?
          • Could wait until Anoncreds-rs 0.3 is released
          • We temporarily ignore the special use cases and use upstream immediately
            • could reduce code base complexity
          • May want to determine how heavy the existing crate is
        • Long term make a request for a thinner crate - anoncreds-rs - George to voice to GH issues.
  • Any Ad hoc discussion topics (feel free to add items)
    • VCX Record storage / state machines - James question