
  1. Test update
  2. Doc Jira issue FAB-15462 - Add Interoperability Docs to Fabric Docs In Progress , thanks to Chris Gabriel
    1. David (SAP) has created the patch set for the markdown doc.
    2. The patch set has been updated 3 times, need committers to review. I will reach out to Chris Gabriel for updates or holdups.
  3. Code review the dashboard and patch set to sample repo.
    1. Chris Ferris has asked us to create a new proposal to add this into hyperledger labs
    2. The pull request according to hyperledger labs requirement has been done here
  4. CMCC dashboard docker image will be placed under hyperledger account once the lab project gets created.
  • No labels


  1. A proposal seems to be doing the same thing as what we do in this working group.

    Hyperledger Justitia Proposal

  2. Hi Tong,

    Thanks for sharing the above two projects! Adding my comment here:

    It's OK to see some similar proposals or implementations occurring in the community (and I also agree with your comment under some of these projects),  and the most important value of this working group is a kind of 'specification' or 'protocol' which is agreed on by many blockchain service providers, so that we have unified process, interface, data model, etc to follow when we intend to connect with each other.  (smile)

  3. Hi tong li ,

    I agree with Shan Yu, the most important asset this working group can deliver is the specification of the artifacts that need to be exchanged between the different participants. Adding an higher level approach will take much longer in specification and testing phase since that different vendors have different ideas about how to manage their crypto artifacts and customers in general. 

    What is the current status with regards to the documentation patch set?

  4. Shan Yu David-Paul Dornseifer Can you two please add your comments to the corespondent proposal especially the one here? Hyperledger Justitia Proposal. Thanks.