Any existing Hyperledger meetup organizer, or anyone interested in becoming a Hyperledger meetup organizer, is welcome to attend these calls.


Meeting Details

  • Day: July 7 (the first Tuesday of each month)
  • Time: 16:00 UTC / 9 AM pacific (feel free to suggest alternate times)
  • Dial-in:


  • Introductions
  • Preventing abuse during virtual meetups
    • Summary of what happened on recent Hyperledger Africa virtual meetup
    • The screen annotation feature has been disabled
    • Please review the Managing Zoom Meetings guide for more information about how to moderate a Zoom call as host
    • Please also review Hyperledger's Code of Conduct and report any behavior you see that is not appropriate during a meetup
  • YouTube live streaming
    • This is possible when using one of Hyperledger's Zoom accounts for a virtual meetup.  A YouTube admin needs to be present though to start the stream, so doing this for a meetup will depend on availability of Hyperledger staff who are YouTube admins.  Please contact David in advance to look into setting this up for a meetup.
  • Contributors badges
    • Note that we are looking to pilot a small contributor badge program and this could apply to Hyperledger meetups.  For instance, meetup organizers, meetup speakers and meetup attendees could earn badges in a system once it is running.  For an example, here is a mockup of a badge for a meetup speaker:
  • Report back from Wiki Improvement Sub-Group
    • Improve the meetup creation experience by making all resources easier to discover and use
    • Improve the meetup content experience by making content from past events easier to find
    • Perhaps a better name would be Meetup Experience Work Group
    • Let me know if you'd like to join and I can add you to the invite.  The call is also on the Meetup Calendar.
    • If people are interested in other work groups, feel free to propose ideas.  For example, an Event Template Work Group create recommendations on event length, number of speakers, how to incorporate interaction elements like polling, etc.
  • Lessons learned in the past month
    • What have you seen that has worked well or that could be improved?  Are there things you think we should be trying, such as break-out rooms?
  • Other topics?
    • Feel free to add other topics to the agenda
  • No labels


  1. Hi David Boswell: Should the last word in the "Contributor Badges" section (just before the proposed badge) be "speaker" instead of "speak"?

    1. Idowu Akinde  – Yes, you're right.  Thanks for catching that.  I just fixed that.

  2. Hello fellow organizers,

    Apologies for missing this call - it was on my calendar and I was looking forward to it (especially as it addressed our recent challenges with malicious behaviour on the Africa Meetup), but some exigency came up that I had to deal with.

    Great thoughts around:

    • Making it mandatory to sign into Zoom prior to joining the call (7:50),

    • Enabling Waiting Rooms by default (9:04),

    • Issuing digital badges to contributors using one of the Hyperledger products (Fabric?) (22:30 - 24:33)

      • 24:12 => Blockchain of Contributions, and

    • Exploring the possibility of a wider adoption for what Hyperledger Canada is currently using (Stronghold / Trinsic) to reward their meetup attendees (and speakers).

    More elbow grease, guys. I look forward to the next one.

    Kind regards.

  3. David Boswell I sent you information about potentially using Trinsic (Built on Hyperledger) for the contributor badges.

    I would also be interested being a part of an Event Template Work Group, and also would like to discuss the format for local Hyperledger project workshops.

    1. John Carpenter – Thanks for sending the information about Trinsic.  I've shared that internally and we're taking a look at it to learn more.  I hope to have more to share soon.

      And I'm glad to hear that you're interested in being part of an Event Template Working Group.  To keep things simple, should we add this to the discussion for the Meetup Improvement group?  And creating a recommended format for a local Hyperledger workshop would be a good thing to put into an event template.

  4. where could we keep track of Contributors badges progress?

    1. Good question about were we're tracking this.  So far, this has come up in the monthly Developer Relations call that everyone is invited to.  We should probably also find some space on the wiki to document this too.  Adding Ry Jones and David Huseby for their thoughts on if it makes sense to put information about proposed badges on the wiki and if so where we should put it.