This is a place to track the work and recommendations of the group of Hyperledger meetup organizers who are wanting to improve the experience of organizing events and for attending upcoming meetups or accessing past ones.  The main focus areas are:

  • When creating events we want organizers to easily tap into all of the resources available to them such as, Chat, Google Drive, Wiki, YouTube which are currently hard to discover and use now
  • For completed events we want people to easily be able to discover and learn from what was discussed there by creating a knowledge base of recordings and presentations

Recording of Network Event beta demo on Thursday, April 29, 2021

Agenda and notes from planning call on Thursday, November 12 at 9:30 AM pacific

  • Networking at meetups
    • Debrief of using Airmeet at recent Hyperledger Denver meetup
    • The LF doesn't currently have a paid Airmeet account but we may be able to make use of the free one just fine
    • Information about Humby – designed to add social component to events and be simpler to use those Airmeet
    • Discussion about next steps
  • Other topics
    • Jim to share example Knowledgebase page for Minifabric that combines content from multiple sources (YouTube, Github, etc) on one wiki page?

Agenda and notes from planning call on Thursday, October 29 at 9:30 AM pacific

  • John and Shabs to report back on networking style event template and tools
    • John running an Airmeet test on meetup on November 5
    • Inviting all meetup organizers to join to try it out
  • Jim to share example Knowledgebase page for Minifabric that combines content from multiple sources (YouTube, Github, etc) on one wiki page
  • Other topics?

Notes from Oct 1st meeting:

John + Shabs to setup a deeper dive call to pick tools and format for virtual networking

Open-Networking Tools for review:

              Online Virtual Tables:  1. 2. 3.

              Matching member skills+interests: demo moved to Tuesday at Monthly Organizers' meeting.

Agenda and notes from planning call on Thursday, September 31 at 9:30 AM pacific

Agenda and notes from planning call on Thursday, September 17 at 9:30 AM pacific

  • Jim to share example Knowledgebase page for Minifabric that combines content from multiple sources (YouTube, Github, etc) on one wiki page
    • Jim has a conflict today so we can bump this to the following meeting
  • John to share additional event templates to add to library
  • Shabs to do a demo of
  • Other topics?

Agenda and notes from planning call on Thursday, September 3 at 9:30 AM pacific

  • Review action items from last calls
    • Jim to share example Knowledgebase page for Minifabric that combines content from multiple sources (YouTube, Github, etc) on one wiki page
    • John to share additional event templates to add to library
    • Shabs to do a demo of

Agenda and notes from planning call on Thursday, August 20th at 9:30 AM pacific

  • Review action items from last calls
    • Jim to set up a one page Knowledgebase Concept page on the wiki linking to some YouTube pages
  • Next steps with creating an event template library
  • Other topics?

Agenda and notes from planning call on Thursday, August 6th at 9:30 AM pacific

  • Review action items from last calls
    • Jim to set up a one page Knowledgebase Concept page on the wiki linking to some YouTube pages
    • John to create a Hyperledger Indy workshop template to test out the functionality – this group will review and then share with whole group of organizers
    • David to reach out meetup rep about regional improvements they said were in the works
    • Alfonso will pick a color for Spanish meetups and will email the meetup list about picking colors for other languages

Agenda and notes from planning call on Thursday, July 23th at 9:30 AM pacific

  • Review action items from last call
    • Jim to set up a one page Knowledgebase Concept page on the wiki linking to some YouTube pages
    • John to create a Hyperledger Indy workshop template to test out the functionality – this group will review and then share with whole group of organizers
    • David to reach out meetup rep about regional improvements they said were in the works
    • Alfonso will pick a color for Spanish meetups and will email the meetup list about picking colors for other languages
    • Shabs to do a demo at the next call

Agenda and notes from planning call on Thursday, July 9th at 9:30 AM pacific

  • Dial-in:
  • Review action items from last call
    • Changed name of the work group to Meetup Improvement Work Group to recognize we're looking at improving more than just the wiki experience and also care about other tools for meetups, like YouTube
    • Jon to set up a page where we can work together on the YouTube recommendations and suggested changes
    • Jim and Jon to use the Hyperledger Boston meetup series Jim is working on with John Jordan as pilot for our YouTube plans
    • David to bump the Confluence Plugin that uses Meetup API and chat upgrade update to next call
    • Are there people who want to help roll out recommended YouTube suggestions for meetup recordings from 2020?
  • Interest in also documenting event formats and using as event templates on
  • Action items for this call
    • Jim to set up a one page Knowledgebase Concept page on the wiki linking to some YouTube pages
    • Shabs to do a demo at the next call
    • John to create a Hyperledger Indy workshop template to test out the functionality – this group will review and then share with whole group of organizers
    • David to reach out meetup rep about regional improvements they said were in the works
    • Alfonso will pick a color for Spanish meetups and will email the meetup list about picking colors for other languages

Agenda and notes from planning call on Thursday, June 25th at 9:30 AM pacific

  • Dial-in:
  • Discuss updated scope and name for our work group
    • Based on discussion on the last call this seems like a Meetup Improvement Work Group instead of something specifically focused on wiki improvements.
    • Proposed scope:
      • Improve the meetup creation experience by making all resources easier to discover and use
      • Improve the meetup content experience by making content from past events easier to find and discoverable
    • Review actions items from last call
      • David to add the meetup calendar feed to the weekly upcoming meetups email so group members can subscribe and get meetup info in their own time zones
      • David to talk to Jon about sharing his YouTube recommendations with this group and bringing next steps to this group to work on
      • Jim and Gerhard to look at how to create a Confluence plugin that uses that Meetup API to create a searchable knowledge base of past events
      • David to send a reminder to the meetup list about uploading presentations to the Google Drive – this doesn't solve the overall problem though of not being to upload presentations when creating events on – a longer term solution could be to create out own event creation app that integrates every tool we use
      • John to ask Ry about how the upcoming chat upgrade will impact meetup organizers
    • Action items:
      • Changed name of the work group to Meetup Improvement Work Group to recognize we're looking at improving more than just the wiki experience and also care about other tools for meetups, like YouTube
      • Jon to set up a page where we can work together on the YouTube recommendations and suggested changes
      • Jim and Jon to use the Hyperledger Boston meetup series Jim is working on with John Jordan as pilot for our YouTube plans
      • David to bump the Confluence Plugin that uses Meetup API and chat upgrade update to next call
      • Are there people who want to help roll out recommended YouTube suggestions for meetup recordings from 2020?
      • Other items?

Agenda and notes from planning call on Thursday, May 28th at 9:30 AM pacific

  • Review action items for last call
    • David to find out list of plugins we have installed on wiki
      • Ry documented those in the comments of this page.  Does someone want to review and see which ones could support the work we are wanting to do?
        • The Google Drive/Docs and Google Calendar plugins look like the most useful for us
        • Jim talked how we can install others or create our own
        • We probably want to avoid billable plugins where possible
    • David to find out how to allow non-admins to subscribe to calendar
      • The calendar settings are set to make the calendar public, but that button only seems to appear to people who have edit access.
      • However, the button just points to an .ics file that seems to be publicly accessible:
      • So we can provide that link as needed here on the wiki or in other locations (such as descriptions on YouTube posts)
      • Can someone confirm that they can subscribe using the link above?
        • Discussion:
          • The weekly update on the meetup list about this week's meetings is helpful and so is the invitation for each meetup that also gets sent to the list. 
          • The big remaining challenge is converting UTC times to the local group's local time – how do we remove that extra step we're making people do to find out when events are happening?
          • One way to address this is to include the Meetup calendar feed in the weekly email of upcoming virtual meetups that organizers send to their groups.  So when a person subscribes to that feed it shows up in their local time.
    • David to find out from Meetup rep about best practices for adding presentations to an event page – file upload is no longer supported?  Is there integration to add presentations to Google Drive from the event page?
      • Discussing response from Meetup rep.  File uploading not currently available and they suggest using our own repository.  There is also no way to upload a file from the event page to our own repository, so this would require an organizer to leave their group and go to a separate tool.  Maybe the Meetup API could let us integrate this somehow so people could upload presentations while working on their events in their group pages?
    • Jon to offer best practices for posting meetup recordings on the YouTube channel and suggest new processes
      • Discussion: David shared the YouTube recommendations Jon made recently and we discussed if the scope of this group includes improving meetup content on YouTube as well as improving content on the wiki
    • Gerhard to look into Meetup API to see what we can do with it
      • Discussion: The API seems straight forward to use and gives us all of the information from events.  How can we use this to improve the experience?  Does this help us promote out upcoming events or help us organize content from past events?
      • The group thinks the retrospective use of the API is most useful.  Jim said if past meetups are tagged, then having a filterable search of all past meetups would be really helpful – people could do a knowledge search.  For example, show me all of the meetups that covered Sawtooth or whatever topic.
    • David to send a calendar invite for next call
      • Do we want to keep this at bi-weekly for now or move to monthly?
  • Other agenda topics (feel free to add)
  • Action items:
    • David to add the meetup calendar feed to the weekly upcoming meetups email so group members can subscribe and get meetup info in their own time zones
    • David to talk to Jon about sharing his YouTube recommendations with this group and bringing next steps to this group to work on
    • Jim and Gerhard to look at how to create a Confluence plugin that uses that Meetup API to create a searchable knowledge base of past events
    • David to send a reminder to the meetup list about uploading presentations to the Google Drive – this doesn't solve the overall problem though of not being to upload presentations when creating events on – a longer term solution could be to create out own event creation app that integrates every tool we use
    • John to ask Ry about how the upcoming chat upgrade will impact meetup organizers

Agenda and notes from planning call on Thursday, May 14th at 9:30 AM pacific

Anyone interested in helping us improve the Hyperledger meetups wiki is welcome to join us for the call.


  • Review of Confluence features and plugins
  • Where are all of the Hyperledger meetup resources?
    • This wiki (and any plugins that have been installed – get list of plugins)
    • The Meetup Pro account and groups
    • Meetup chat channel link

    • Mailing list – also has additional functionality beyond a mailing list, like a calendar
    • Google Drive Meetup folder (recommended against us using this since there are access issues in some countries, like China, and in some enterprises)
    • YouTube channel – the meetup playlist is there and could be improved
    • Social media: Twitter, Linkedin...
    • Other community resources: Github, Jira...
  • What resources are missing?
    • Time zone converter – either a tool and/or a process
    • Integration with our Meetup Pro account on the wiki – can we make use of the Meetup API?  For example, to pull all of the presentations.
    • A presentation repository (that is easy to use)
    • Friendly URLs for these resources –
  • Open questions
    • Where  do we direct the two different personas?
      • Organizers – is this the wiki?
      • Attendees – is YouTube for attendees or Meetup Pro or the wiki?
  • Demo of other wikis and knowledge bases we can use as models?
    • ...
  • Action items
    • David to find out list of plugins we have installed on wiki
    • David to find out how to allow non-admins to subscribe to calendar
    • David to find out from Meetup rep about best practices for adding presentations to an event page – file upload is no longer supported?  Is there integration to add presentations to Google Drive from the event page?
    • Jon to offer best practices for posting meetup recordings on the YouTube channel and suggest new processes
    • Gerhard to look into Meetup API to see what we can do with it
    • David to send a calendar invite for next call
  • No labels


  1. good idea. we can add some basic tutorials on key features of Confluence that add value to our virtual meetups.

  2. Hi everyone,

    Re-posting the initial suggestion for the 'map', re: global meetup community forum / hub page.  Just initial suggestions - titles, purpose, etc. are still rough early draft, but are based on what was brought out in discussion today.  Shall we build on it here? In email?  Perhaps in a google doc?

    Jim Mason idea on having community members set up notifications curated to their individual preferences is a fantastic utility - wondering if the framework below would satisfy customized notifications to the desired degree.

    Again, was great to connect with everyone - looking forward to working together on this

    (added 2020.05.08) With the app resources available & resources already available, another suggestion would be to design a central 'hub & spoke' set of pages via the wiki framework, linking to items suggested below. 


    • Could be a better idea to build on what's already established for some of the items, rather than create items that may result in redundancy?  
    • 'One stop' resource that can be offered to members at the beginning of every meetup / linked to in comment questions
    • Could lead members to 'poke around at other Hyperledger resources available within each domain / app space & indirectly promote more involvement

    (added 2020.05.08) Separated items into 2-phase roll out

    PHASE 1

    Main Landing Page

    • Houses 1-5 below
    • Also houses global calendar of Meetup events 

    1. Events:

    Each Event = New Thread

    i. slides, recordings

    • A central archive where slides, and other supporting materials can be posted for all meetups, and perhaps the place to direct attendees as a general resource
    • wondering if this should be kept general, ie: all events, internationally, regardless of topic - and have it designed as a place that community members can browse regularly & discover things
    • youtube links for each event can also be posted in their respective threads (if available)
      • (added 2020.05.08) Use Discussion app for this purpose? Value: good framework as a database; members can type search items via topic of interest

    2. Groups:
    i. Organize by Continent
    ii. within 'i', organize by Country
    iii. within 'ii', organize by City

    • Once at the 'city' level of the sub-forum of the wiki spoke, maintenance, topics, threads, etc. to be maintained by respective organizer for that city. 
      • (added 2020.05.08) Perhaps the link should go directly to the local meetup pages - events, discussions, etc. to leverage resource already available?  

    3. Organizer thread

    • perhaps a 'private' section where organizers can connect, talk, troubleshoot, etc.

    PHASE 2

    4. Networking

    • An area where community members can 1) post their Hyperledger-related initiatives, and 2) look for initiatives they may be interested in participating in / collaborating with 
    • (added 2020.05.08) internationally - ie: not limited to local meetup membership circles

    5. Community: Recommendations

    1. Cool. Thx for kicking things off, Jonathan Encarnacion.

      I'm a big fan of 'keep it simple', hence I suggest to start with the low hanging fruits first: creating the group-structure (2), creating one or two reference pages of a recent meetup (1), and notify all meetup organizers to retrospectively populate meetup content into the wiki. (basically: agenda, slides, and playback).

      Later, we can tackle 3-5...


  3. Hi Gerhard Dinhof & hi everyone,

    Good idea to have 1 & 2 focused on first - from Toronto's group experience, are definitely the items that come up member questions most.  

    Looking around other areas of the hyperledger wiki, found a calendar format that might be of interest to us:

    Calendar of Public Meetings

    Would you guys think this could be a good format/resource to have on the landing page for our endeavor? ie: a list of webinar events that organizers would have access to update? (And if so, David Boswell, would this be possible?)

    Also wondering if we might all prefer to go ahead and have a group area that we can begin editing, kept 'unlisted' (or equivalent) until it's ready for launch.  That way, as we add our refinements as a group we can also get a feel for the flow.  Thoughts? 

    1. I assume it would be possible to integrate a calendar of meetups onto the page the same way that the Calendar of Public Meetings work.  That main calendar page takes the cal feeds from each calendar hosted on and adds them together.  In our case, we'd just want the one cal feed from the Meetup calendar at:

      And yes, we certainly could set up a group area where we can work on things until it's ready for launch.  The group is welcome to add pages here in this space.  Or would it be better to have a separate space on the wiki to work on things and then move it over?  I'll let someone who knows Confluence better make a suggestion for how to set up a staging area for us.

      1. I think that the calendar is a great idea.  One thing I was wondering is if we should just carry the link on the main Meetup page until we are able to once again meet in person.

        1. John Carpenter Good suggestion.  I just added the link to the calendar on the main Meetups page.  I think there is a lot to do to make that page better, but the link is there now.

  4. Hi Everyone,

    Transferring items from email thread to here:

    I am not an expert at Confluence by any means, but looked into getting familiar with the platform & the available tools in the Atlassian marketplace.  For what is written below, if anyone here has more expertise in Confluence by all means please chime in & correct.

    General Comments:

    So far, what I have been able to find seems to suggest there may not be one 'catch all' app that would align with the structure suggested (ie: two to four level forum structures).  App offerings appear to go no further than two levels.

    That said, some of the better app offerings provide intuitive search options.  Which is great, though a new visitor would have to approach the page more like a 'marketplace' and or 'database' rather than a 'social space' (ie: searching for 'Fabric' vs. being able to browse activity 'by geographical area').  

    Depending on what a community member wants to get out of the community space, this may not be a negative thing, and if the resource is presented to our meetup members as more of a 'database space', then they would be entering with that expectation.

    Another suggestion would be to adapt wiki pages to serve as 'hub and spoke' for the initial layers, ie:

    Main Landing Page 'Hyperledger Meetup Resources'

    - with links or headers for (1-5):

    ie: [1] Communities (header)

    - Africa (link)

    - Europe (link)

    - Asia (link)

    - North America (link)

    - South America (link)

    - Australia (link)

    > On to 'Cities' (listed alphabetically)

    > cities = own forum app space (+ each city can use the app of their choice?)


    1. I am assuming that all apps looked at below are available to Hyperledger without any additional fees required?
    2. Is there anyone here that is familiar with creating a template that may better suit whatever we come up with / would that be a viable option to pursue?


    5 apps looked at below.

    Initial suggestion: [C] 'Discussion' app could be good for organizer use (1-2), [E] 'Community' app may be good for spaces suggested for later stages (3-5)

    [A] Community Forums for Confluence:

    - searchable database

    - single level: topic = thread (does not appear that group > subgroup organization is possible)

    Atlassian marketplace stats:

    3/4 stars

    19 reviews

    710 installs

    [B] EasyForums:

    - searchable

    - seems to be limited to 2 levels (group > subgroup > thread)

    Atlassian marketplace stats:

    4/4 stars

    4 reviews

    56 installs

    [C] Discussion

    - design has a 'top-down' feel for announcements > comments.  Could benefit from the organizer's perspective (ie: post-meetup announcements)

    - 'top-down' feel may not serve areas in later stages where a more parallel community structure would be desired (ie: some networking scenarios, suggestions spaces)

    Atlassian marketplace stats:

    3/4 stars

    5 reviews

    157 installs

    [D] Forum for Confluence

    - clean organization design

    - two layer structure limitation

    Atlassian marketplace stats:

    4/4 stars

    4 reviews

    42 installs

    [E] Community:

    - great design for parallel structure: could be good for networking & suggestions pages.

    - single level: topic = thread (does not appear that group > subgroup organization is possible)

    Atlassian marketplace stats:

    4/4 stars

    2 reviews

    20 installs

    1. What tremendous effort you took to evaluating apps out there. Kudos, Jonathan Encarnacion

      Wrt structure: I believe we have too many individual meetup groups to get away with a flat hierarchy. Not being a UX expert myself (rather an ambitious hobbyist), there seems to be agreement that there's no silver bullet and it all comes down to the number of "list items".

      Hence, going with a classical geo-structure continent - country - cities is probably a good start. We might consider grouping meetups that work closely together into `chapters`, though.

      Wrt to Discussion Forums:

      The Stackexchange  platform and Discourse  are, imho, the two dominant solutions out there (it took way too long get away from those BB forums, right? (wink) )

      However, throwing in another platform sitting next to Confluence, RocketChat, GitHub,, probably doesn't help streamlining the collaboration.

      1. However, throwing in another platform sitting next to Confluence, RocketChat, GitHub,, probably doesn't help streamlining the collaboration.

        I completely agree.

        1. Thank you, Ry. Let's keep working with what we have.

      2. Gerhard Dinhof – Thanks for the suggestion about going with a geo-structure for organizing things on the wiki.   And you have a good point about maybe using the chapter idea for this.  We have launched some chapters that do group meetups in different regions (such as the many groups in India) although we haven't really integrated it into the meetup content on the wiki.  In fact, the information about chapters on the wiki is in a whole different space at: Regional Chapters.  So maybe integrating those together somehow would be useful?

        And I agree about your comment about tools.  Streamlining the tools we have seems more useful than adding new ones.  There are several examples of people not knowing about or taking advantage of the tools that do exist because they're hard to find and separated from each other.  Adding other tools without solving the streamlining issue doesn't seem like it would be helpful.

  5. Jonathan, I looked at Discussion and Community and I think that they are two solid community conversation apps.   One other suggestion that I would have would be to get as many Meetup organizers as possible to join the #meetup discussion within the Hyperledger RocketChat for more casual discussions about Meetups.  I try to monitor several of the Hyperledger chat channels, but the Meetup channel has very quiet.  I checked today and there have only been 3 messages there since the beginning of the year.  If we were able to get all of the organizers to use that on a daily/weekly basis and have our discussion there, it's already set up and ready to go.  We could also let our local Meetup groups know about getting a Linux Foundation ID and joining that channel if they are interested. 

  6. John, thank you for the info on the RocketChat.  I actually did not know about this until reading your post here.  Great idea to have '4. Organizer thread' to link directly to this; it's already up and serves the purpose.  

    Everyone - are there any other established Hyperledger resources that might serve the purpose of what we're aiming for in other proposed sections?   

  7. Updated the 'map suggestion' post from May 1, 2020 above to reflect progress in our thread

  8. A few thoughts on comments above...

    John Carpenter is correct. We can use the #meetup channel in Rocketchat for discussion/ conversations productively. Information that is more "permanent" in value can typically migrate to a wiki ( here ). We should add the Rocketchat link here.

    1> I'd be happy to demo the requested features and structure ideas at our next meeting.
    I'll skip the calendar topic since that seems to be addressed well.

    The ideas on search, structure, finding content, group edits etc.

    I've managed lots of other wikis ( SharePoint, Alfresco, JSPWiki, Liferay, Domino etc )

    2> Confluence license and pricing ??

    What is the current license Hyperledger pays for?–EVBtSfCKEj6le8OPP_tQ5CgQ5UhIVYE7egaAiaOEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds

    This affects functionality - who can be an editor vs an anonymous viewer on the site etc.

    3> Free plugins over Paid Plugins

    While paid plugins provide good functionality, they often have a small subscriber list and tend to have support issues.

    The best plugins for wikis are often the Free ones that have very high subscriber bases with fewer support issues and license usage issues.

    This an open discussion point for our group clearly

    1. Jim Mason We're using the FOSS, on-prem license for confluence. The exact license is:

      Confluence (Server) Unlimited Users: Community License

      1. Thanks - excellent we are on FOSS for Confluence

        I don't know if we have it but Google GSuite for Non-Profits is free for the Base license for our users.!#gsuite-pricing

        I use the Google Drive and Docs plugin for Confluence on my Confluence sites and it works well - solves problems our users are trying to do in the wiki that are better done through team docs like Google docs.

        Your thoughts?


        1. We can have a long discussion about exactly why, but please don't use Google Docs or Google Drive.

    2. Jim Mason – thanks for offering to do a demo at our next meeting.  That would be great.

      Why don't we all bring ideas and examples of what sorts of things we'd like to see and then we can talk about how to address those ideas.

      I imagine that several things we'd like to see may be able to be fixed rather easily.  Such as promoting the #meetup chat channel more and moving more conversations there.  That's yet another example of there being a useful resource that is separated out and hard to find right now.

  9. Here is a list of installed plugins:

    • Angular JS integration for AUI (AUI-NG)
    • Atlassian Troubleshooting and Support Tools
    • Atlassian Universal Plugin Manager Plugin
    • checkbox
    • Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant
    • Confluence Source Editor
    • Elements Spreadsheet
    • Google Calendar
    • Google Drive / Docs for Confluence
    • Header Menus
    • Language Manager
    • Linchpin Manager API
    • No Email Storm
    • Polls for Confluence
    • Redirection Plugin
    • Scroll Exporter Extensions
    • Scroll PDF Exporter
    • Scroll Platform
    • Scroll Runtime for Confluence
    • Scroll Translations
    1. Excellent - thanks Ry

  10. Ry Jones thanks for providing that great list of the installed plugins.  With respect to the upcoming chat update, please let us know if there is anything new from that release that you would see as being beneficial to Meetup organizers and their respective communities.

  11. Hi everyone, happy to join this Meetup Improvement WG. Alfonso Govela from Hyperledger Merida & Hyperledger LatinAmerica Chapter

  12. Below is an example One-Hour Virtual Meetup template that we may want to discuss on our next Meetup Improvement WG call. Please feel free to make suggestions around what I put together below.

    Meetup Virtual Meeting Title

    Virtual Meetup Agenda (1 Hour Virtual Presentation, Single Presenter)


    Start Time

    End Time

    About The Presenter


    Presentation Topic (50 Minutes)

    Question & Answer (10 Minutes)

    Hyperledger Zoom Conference Link Information

    Presentation Materials Link

    1. John Carpenter, thanks for sharing this draft template.  If you have a chance to share this on the monthly organizer call on Tuesday, that would be great.  Feel free to also share out on the meetup organizer mailing list to get feedback from organizers who aren't tracking this page.

  13. As we discussed on the Meetup Organizer call today, I think that it would be interesting to test a Virtual Meetup that would enable attendees to self-select what topics that they would like to discuss at various virtual tables that were set up for that topic.  One app that I have tested is That allows users to move around to different discussion tables and then bring everyone back to a central group after they have had a chance to engage in discussion.  I'm glad to do a short demo on a future Meetup discussion call.

  14. I checked on the pricing for   The cost to host 50 person meetups with the visualization would be $1200/year and non profits receive a 30% discount for an annual plan, which would bring the annual cost for this application down to $840.  We could look for a further discount for some type of sponsorship if this is of interest to the group and the Hyperledger management team.

    1. I am meeting with IBM Video Streaming September 21st to which there maybe a solution that once I can write a summary that makes sense I will present on our monthly meeting.

    2. John Carpenter  – thanks for looking into this.  And that does seem to be within the range of what a potential sponsor organization may be able to cover.  For comparison, it would be interesting to see if there are any Zoom add-ons that offer similar networking type features and what those cost.

  15. John Carpenter  – Thanks for looking at the Zoom plug-ins and for sharing these links.  I'll put these in the agenda for the meetup improvement call tomorrow and we can discuss then.

  16. I did a test of with another group last week and it seemed to work well.  One feature that I particularly enjoyed was the "speed networking" component.  That matched attendees up for a one-on-one conversation with another attendees for a 5 minute discussion.  Their pricing is also more favorable that by allowing up to 300 attendees per event and 2 hosts for no cost. Let's discuss this option on the next Meetup improvement call.

  17. John Carpenter – thanks for sharing details of the Airmeet test and pricing.  I have heard other people say good things about Airmeet so definitely seems worth trying out in a test for a Hyperledger meetup and seeing how it goes.