Aries Interop Event

August 31, 2022

7:00 am MDT - 11:00 am MDT 

All times listed in MDT

 Breakout Room 1:

Test Your Wallet

Bruno Hivert  IDLab

Education Breakout Room 2

Aries Agent Test Harness 101Stephen Curran

Education Breakout Room 3: 

Aries Mobile Test Harness (AMTH) 101
Sheldon Regular

Breakout Room 4:

AATH Advanced Topics Ian Costanzo

Testing Room
Testing Room
Testing Room 3

Testing Room 4

Host: Mike Ebert

Host: Kim Ebert


Host: Simon
Host: Ammon
Time SessionSession Summary

Zoom Room 1Zoom Room 2Zoom 3Zoom 4Zoom 5Zoom 6Zoom 7Zoom 8
7:00 AM - 7:30 AM Opening Remarks:
Sam Curren
Roll Call, Introductions, Assignments
Main Room Zoom

7:30 AM - 8:00 AM

Session 1

two participants

Test your wallet using the Aries Agent Test Harness 

A newcomers guide to the Aries Agent Test Harness

On break until 9:00am (MT)

A wallet developers guide to automated mobile wallet testing with the Aries Mobile Test Harness

Getting deep into testing with the Aries Agent Test Harness

On break until 9:15 am (MT)

Scope of AFJ tests being run in the test harness. (9:30am MT)
(Stephen, Ian, James E, Timo etc)

Indicio(Kim in Room 5)(Simon in Room 5)

8:00 AM-8:15 AMNew Testing AssignmentsMain Room Zoom

8:15 AM- 8:45AM

Session 2

two participants

Indicio Proven (Demo)Bruce Conrad (ACA-Pico)Jimmy Dorsey (Migrate®) - Demo
Animo (dob connection reuse)Kim (Indicio)Jimmy Dorsey (Migrate®) - Demo
8:45 AM- 9:00 AMNew Testing AssignmentsMain Room Zoom

9:00 AM- 9:30 AM

Session 3

two participants

Jimmy Dorsey (Migrate®) - Demo
Bruce Conrad (ACA-Pico)
9:30 AM- 9:45 AMNew Testing AssignmentsMain Room Zoom

9:45 AM- 10:15 AM

Session 4

two participants

10:15 AM- 10:30AMNew Testing AssignmentsMain Room Zoom

10:30 AM-10:45 AM

(Quick) Session 5

two participants

10:45 AM - 11:00 PMClosing RemarksClosing Remarks
Main Room Zoom


Aries will host an Interop event on August 31, 2022. 7:00am-11:00am MDT


This interactive event will comprise teams across the verifiable credentials community testing products and solutions both in the market and in development for interoperability. The goal is to discover what needs to be done to ensure that all are interoperable with Aries and with one another. Participants will come away with an understanding of where the gaps are in interoperability and hopefully how they can be fixed. This event is about discovery, discussion, and most importantly – interoperability! Observers are also welcome to attend!

Helpful details for Participants:

All participants must be able to make a connection between agents using DIDComm connection V1 or Out of Band. 

Any Participant is welcome to bring agents that support DIDComm and may test any of the following:

  • Targets:
    • 557 Discover Features
    • 048 Trust Ping
    • 434 OOB
    • 023 DID Exchange
    • OOB Reuse
  • Bonus Targets:
    • 455 Issue
    • 454 Present
    • 183 Revocation Notification

Final Report


  • AFJ - OOB 1.1, ACAPy OOB 1.0. ACAPy not yet fully supporting minor versions for this protocol.
    • Expand testing of minor version handling
    • Expansion RFC 003 - Clarifying how minor version handling
  • AFJ Hotfix to enable connection reuse with ACAPy
  • Aries Agent Test Harness
    • Expanding AFJ Backchannel so it covers more defined tests.
    • Mobile backchannel - only supports some test cases, mostly AIP 1
    • Currently impossible to test using the Mobile backchannel with any other impl than ACAPy, other should be added.
    • Custom credentials in the AATH (discussed in breakout 4, was recorded)

Lessons Learned

  • James Schulte conversation about Ontologies with credentials - will schedule an Aries WG agenda item on the topic.
  • Migrate mobile app - expansion of credentials use cases
  • ACAPy - old format of DIDs w/did-exchange - startup param controls which are used.
  • Nice to see new wallets - Upa! (Gary de Beer), Migrate (Jimmy Dorsey)

Notes for future events (operational suggestions)

  • Being specific about networks to be used during testing.
  • Breakout rooms worked well
  • Wanted to attend all the education sessions.
  • Testing script for UX testing
  • Set of targets? Basics hit, next interopathon may be a similar set, but with higher success and coverage.




Google Form AND Zoom Link


  • Google form header
  • Social post
  • Hyperledger Foundation website
  • Aries Wiki
  • Dev Weekly 
  • Blog header

General Participant Technical Requirements:

  • Review Interop Profile here
  • Teams developing Hyperledger Aries based credential systems
  • Teams that have one or more elements of their systems developed (issuer, verifier, holder/wallet)
  • Teams with solutions working on Hyperledger Indy based networks (Indicio, Sovrin, IDUnion, etc.)
  • Anyone that wants to watch and learn about the development of verifiable credential solutions
  • Solutions using shortened URLs will be not supported
  • Aries is not currently supporting connectionless interactions now or in the future

Refer to Aries Test Harness for Pre-Event Prep


Aug 29

  • Aries test harness found here

Optional Event Prep:

Test Harness demo in Aries WG meeting?

  • Timo has experience
  • IDLab also has experience
    • There might be a good recording to reference

Registration Questions:

Google Form (editor link)

Google form (registration link)


This interactive event will comprise teams across the Aries community testing products and solutions both in the market and in development for interoperability. The goal is to discover what needs to be done to ensure that all are interoperable with Aries and with one another. Participants will come away with an understanding of where the gaps are in interoperability and hopefully how they can be fixed. This event is about discovery, discussion, and most importantly – interoperability! Observers are also welcome to attend!

Please RSVP no later than August 29, 2022

All participants must be able to make a connection between agents using DIDComm connection V1 or Out of Band. Any Participant is welcome to bring agents that support DIDComm and may test any of the following:

  • Targets:
    • 557 Discover Features
    • 048 Trust Ping
    • 434 OOB
    • 023 DID Exchange
    • OOB Reuse
  • Bonus Targets:
    • 455 Issue
    • 454 Present
    • 183 Revocation Notification

There will also be a final report published of the Aries Interop results that will be helpful in improving interoperability and as we plan for upcoming changes to the Aries roadmap. 

  1. Are you ready to:
  2. Do you have a mobile wallet ready to test against the Hyperledger Aries Agent Test Harness?
    • Yes
    • No
  3. What agents or components will you be bringing to test?
  • Issuer
  • Holder
  • Verifier
  • Network
  • None- I’m an observer!
  1. What agents or components do you want to test against?
  • Issuer
  • Holder
  • Verifier
  • Network
  1. Which of the following tests are you planning to run? (edit to look like base and bonus targets)
    • 557 Discover Features
    • 048 Trust Ping
    • 434 OOB
    • 023 DID Exchange
    • OOB Reuse
    • 455 Issue
    • 454 Present
    • 183 Revocation Notification

Order of events:

Timeline of events

Primary Zoom Room (MDT)

  • 7:00 am - 7:30 am – Opening Remarks & Introductions & Roll Call  
  • 7:30 am - 8:00 am – Test environment presentation 

Zoom Breakout Rooms 1/2/3/4/5  (w/ Hosts)

  • 8:00 am – Session 1 (IDlab)
  • 8:30 am – Session 2
  • 9:00 am – Session 3
  • 9:30 am – Session 4
  • 10:00 am – Session 5

Primary Zoom Room

  • 10:30 am – Wrap up/Final recap at end of the day/Survey 

Event Wrap up:

  • Participant Survey
  • Final report
  • HF press release/blog 
  • Presentation to HF
  • Recording/promo video

(optional) Demo Hour

Participants are invited to share their interoperable solutions two weeks after the event at a demonstration event, <DATE>

Rough Launch Timeline:

Before launch:

  • Create slide/promotional materials 
  • Make shared ‘RSVP’ Google Doc for participants to sign up
    • POC name
    • Email
    • Company
    • Names of others on your team
    • Questions (above)
    • Register via Zoom 

  • Announcement Launch: Aug 10
    • Twitter
    • LinkedIn

    • Hyperledger Aries listserv
    • Hyperledger Aries WG
    • Hyperledger Indy listserv 
    • Hyperledger Identity Implementation
    • Networks: Sovrin/ Findy/ Candy/ BCoverin
    • DIF (MRG subgroup/users group/DIDCom users group)
    • TOIP 
    • GCCN- LFPH
    • CCG- W3C
    • CCI
    • Post details on Hyperledger Foundation Social Channels 
    • Supply event promotional (folder with FAQs/Social Card Image/RSVP link) collateral to community to promote

  • Weeks leading up
    • Continue to drive attendance/RSVP to event
    • 1:1 outreach 
    • Aries Agent Test Harness demo (video?)
  • One week prior:
    • Promotional Blog Post on Indicio website w/ registration details
    • Tweet/linkedin on HF Channels
  • Aries Test Environment Stands up
    • NLT - <DATE>
    • Office Hours (as booked)

Email drafts

To be updated once information is finalized above

Invitation Email Text

Need new image

Dear <NAME>

Hyperledger Aries and Hyperledger Foundation are pleased to invite you to a community Interop-a-thon that will take place on August 31, 2022, 7:00am-11:00pm MST.

Please read this blog with further details about this event here.

This interactive event will comprise teams across the verifiable credentials community testing products and solutions both in the market and in development for interoperability. The goal is to discover what needs to be done to ensure that all are fully interoperable with Hyperledger Aries and with one another. Participants will come away with an understanding of where the gaps are in interoperability and how they can be fixed. Observers are also welcome to attend!

Helpful details for Participants:

All participants must be able to make a connection between agents using DIDComm connection V1 or Out of Band. Any Participant is welcome to bring agents that support DIDComm and may test any of the following:

  • Targets:
    • 557 Discover Features
    • 048 Trust Ping
    • 434 OOB
    • 023 DID Exchange
    • OOB Reuse
  • Bonus Targets:
    • 455 Issue
    • 454 Present
    • 183 Revocation Notification

You can also bring your own decentralized network!

There will also be a final report published of the results that will be helpful in improving interoperability and as we plan for upcoming changes to the Aries roadmap.

Next steps

  • To participate in the Interop-a-thon: <LINK>
  • To observe the Interop-a-thon: Anyone that would like to watch the proceedings is welcome to register using the zoom link found <here>. (Note: this is a unique and different zoom link than we typically use for community meetings)
  • The reference implementation will be available on <date> found here: 


<your name>


Letter to registrants- 

Hello Interop-athon Participant, 

Thank you for your interest in the Hyperledger Aries Interop Event, taking place August 7:00am-11:00pm MST. 

Helpful details for Participants:

  • Please make sure you have registered for the Zoom link found here. (Note: this is a unique and different zoom link than we typically use for community meetings)

    Any Participant is welcome to bring agents that support DIDComm and may test any of the following:

    • Targets:
      • 557 Discover Features
      • 048 Trust Ping
      • 434 OOB
      • 023 DID Exchange
      • OOB Reuse
    • Bonus Targets:
      • 455 Issue
      • 454 Present
      • 183 Revocation Notification

You can also bring your own decentralized network as well!

There will also be a final report published of the Aries Interop Event results that will be helpful in improving interoperability.


<your name>


Day Before

Hello Aries Interop Participant, 

The Interop-athon is next week <date> taking place from 7am-11pm MDT (UTC -6)

Please make sure you register via zoom: <LINK>

A few reminders: 

  • Testing during the event is open to the public. You may want to begin internal testing prior to the event to ensure a successful test experience.
  • Hyperledger Aries Agent Test Harness can be found here

Please let me know if you have any questions ahead of time. 

We look forward to meeting all of you, virtually, and seeing your products in action!


<your name>

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