• Publish Blog post sharing migration to Discord - Grace Hartley?
  • Include migration plan notification in Hyperledger Newsletters
  • Send notes in all RocketChat channels that migration is underway with link to Discord
  • Send 1 week left reminder that RocketChat will be archived and move all chat to Discord on March 24th
  • Directions how to onboard into Discord and link to training for using Discord

  • Update links on Hyperledger website to direct to Discord
  • Update links on Hyperledger wiki to direct to Discord
  • Update links on Hyperledger landscape to direct to Discord
  • Add question in quarterly reports to confirm project migration is going smoothly
  • Send email to Labs, Project Maintainers, SIGs, WGs with instructions and details around channel naming

Target RocketChat archive date: March 31, 2022

  • No labels