
  • Welcome
  • Kickoff meeting DECK
    • Review assets
    • Group Goals
      • Short Term
      • Medium Term
      • Long Term
    • Section Contributions

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Welcome and Introductions

Who you are, and what your interest is in the Whitepaper effort.



  • V1.2 doc: 
  • (also in file list)


  • Welcome
  • Kickoff meeting DECK
    • Review assets
    • Group Goals
      • Short Term
      • Medium Term
      • Long Term
    • Section Contributions

Next Meeting

  • UI/UX Design- Alison Rowan guest
  • Review outstanding updates

Future Topics

  • Whitepaper v interactive experience
  • new theme to replace greenhouse

Action items



  1. As requested of me on the DevRel meeting and since I won't be able to attend this kickoff here's some of my initial and weakly-held thoughts on the current HL whitepaper:

    • Worth considering who the white paper is for, developers, business leaders/decision makers, software architects, etc.
      • Examples of usecases are great but do they take up too much real estate ahead of the technologies themselves? This really depends on who the white paper is for
    • It spends many pages introducing/justifying blockchains and open source. Having this content upfront may have been necessary earlier on but now it may be worth considering shortening and moving this information later in the whitepaper
    • Design philosophy is good and probably should be moved up and focused. Also cryptocurrency-agnostic might not always be true, some options like Besu are much more closely tied to crypto than others.
    • Consider moving the long term vision up higher, in my opinion this is a very informative page that justifies why the reader would read the rest of the white paper
    • Just shorter in general, perhaps with auxiliary material for specific topics and technologies, a whitepaper covering so many different technologies can be quite overwhelming for the reader