Project Team: Agustina BustoMarco CarvalhoVictor CavazosZaher Srour ,  Uchenna Ogbonna ,Adnan Iftekhar, , Tim ReimersKent G LauRichard Duncan


Meetings (Vote for time(s) on our poll)

Next meeting: July 22nd will include a presentation from Zest Labs ( regarding their IoT (cold chain) solution for food safety.

Food Safety sub-group SCSIG

Meeting Invite

Online meeting URL

Dial in details

Meeting ID: 403 498 3298

Phone numbers (USA)

+1 646 558 8656 

US (San Jose)

+1 669 900 6833

US (New York)

Toll-free numbers (USA)

+1 855 880 1246

US Toll-free

+1 877 369 0926

US Toll-free

iPhone (one-tap)


US (San Jose)


US (New York)

International numbers

Email addresses (comma separated):,,, ,,,

Description: Food supply chains have a critical effect on food prices and human health. It is very important to make sure the availability of linked data in the food supply chain for tracking and tracing to prevent foodborne illness risks, food integrity issues, food crisis, and food certification.  Moreover, Health consciousness is an increasing phenomenon in recent years. As consumers are becoming more and more health conscious the meat and dairy producers have coined a new term in the market as ”organic”, ”natural” and ”grass-fed”. It has become more visible in markets and menu now. Consumers are becoming more concerns with evidence that the products they are buying are produced in proper environmental facilities with acceptable specifications. It also increases the trust of the customers that they are paying relatively high prices for what they want and they are not becoming the target of food scams and food frauds by counterfeit products in the market. The consumer trust in food suppliers and processors also increases the sales volume and revenue. The food supply chain is an extremely important factor in food safety and certification. United Nation Global Compact defines traceability as “The ability to identify and trace the history, distribution, location, and application of products, parts, and materials, to ensure the reliability of sustainability claims, in the areas of human rights, labor (including health and safety), the environment and anti-corruption”. 

Purpose/Benefit: Cost-efficient Blockchain-based solutions that enable faster tractability, certify provenance and ensure the authenticity of food products from farm to fork

Scope: To establish common grounds on some of the areas about food safety and then look at how blockchain networks can address these challenges

  • Traceability, transparency, and visibility in the food supply system
  • Current available traceability Systems in terms of breadth, depth, and precision
  • Cold chain management and the increasing complexity of the food supply chain system
  • Current global industry regulations on food safety and fraud
  • Food product recall practices
  • Drivers for food safety standards
  • Food product authenticity and product certification
  • Integration and interoperability

Meeting: Please update the meeting time and details......


Interesting Article:


  • IBM Food Trust
  • + R3 Corda = ?

  • No labels


  1. Please update your info so we can communicate with each other.

  2. Hello, I am interested in being a part of this project. Kindly add me. Thanks.

  3. Let us take a start. Who will lead the project? According to the above profiles, Zaher Srour is from food waste analytics and he is supply chain and logistics professional. Uchenna Ogbonna is also supplied chain professional according to his introduction email. Please add your valuable experience to start the project.

  4. I am happy to lead the project. My experience has been in the last few years in the food supply chain and distribution and I believe the request for food traceability  by consumers and next generations (besides governments and regulatory bodies) is increasing everyday. 

  5. As I am new to this community and the way projects work here, can someone provide some guidelines on starting new projects here

    1. Zaher, First step is for everyone to edit the wiki page with thoughts on scope/description and sharing their email (making sure everyone can edit via linux foundation account), you can setup a quick call to discuss and divide up the work, then everyone starts to contribute asynchronously by posting their contribution. Your role as project lead is to make sure the project is moving along, host calls, and consolidate everyone's inputs and add your contribution. The work product can be whatever your team collectively decides, and we can discuss updates in our bi -weekly calls so others can give you advice on if that makes sense or not. And you can get others to join by promoting the progress of your project.  Let me know if that makes sense? Happy to provide specific guidance as this gets started. 

  6. Thank you! Let's wait to listen from other members too. I think first we have to describe the scope of this project.

  7. Great. Please start to edit the above wiki page with a few lines each on what you'd like the description/scope to be, and setup a phone call or web/zoom/skype call as a start to discuss and divide up the work. Best wishes!! Happy to see this activity. Keep it up! 

  8. To edit wiki you'll need linuxfoundation account, which you can get from here:

  9. Glad to be part of this project team. Will be looking to provide my supply chain experience to this team.

    I am a Supply Chain Data Analyst for an FMCG Company and will also share the problems our customers face

    that are Supply Chain related and how they can be solved with Blockchain solutions.

    Looking forward to working with you all!

  10. All, I noted down some ideas to kick start the project and get the team have common understanding of some of the areas about food safety. I would like to have a call with you all early next week. Please advise if you have any time constraints. Please note I am based in Dubai, with 11 hours difference from PST time.

    1. I am 15 hours ahead from PST time.  PST + 15

  11. Hello everyone!!! I do not have that much experience implementing blockchain, but since 2016 I have been researching many use cases. I'm an Integration Architect and my actual role is Blockchain Advisor ( I'm from Argentina, and I think that there's a real need for tracking solutions, specially in the food processing & distribution industry.   

    1. Welcome, Agustina. look forward to your contributions. Please add your email address to various projects of interest, and start to participate in any breakout meetings, and edit the wiki pages directly with your suggestions. Thanks. 

  12. Good Morning Everyone, Please select the day and time (GMT or PST) for a meeting. We can use skype or maybe zoom for meetings.

  13. Thanks Zaher and Adnan for taking the lead. Thanks for the update to wiki page.

    Others please respond with your time availability for a call, and feel free to update the wiki with your own thoughts as well. 

  14. Hi I'm a PHD student in the context of how blockchain can increase the resilience in food supply chains. I would be glad to be part of the project. I'm 9 hours ahead PST. 

    1. Hello & Welcome, Tim. Please update or share your email address or other contact info. It will be helpful for the community.

    2. Tim, Welcome. Look forward to your contributions. Please add your email address to the various projects you'd be interested to collaborate on and join any breakout meetings, and start to edit the wiki pages to start scoping out projects with others, or make comments. Thanks!

  15. All- Can I suggest these time options which I hope it works for every one taking into consideration the time differences across the regions. 

    Thursday 20th June 2019

    8:00 AM- 1:00 PM  (PST timing)

    8:00 PM- 12 AM (PST timing)

    Let me know 



    1. I'm will not be available this week. It would be great if you could share the minutes of the meeting. 

  16. I'm in the EST timezone. I can make a meeting work Thursday, June 20th, within the following hours:

    • 6am-12pm EST
    • 1pm-9pm EST

    The best contact email to send an invite to me would be


  17. Zaher, It looks like 8pm PST is the consensus time based on the comments received so far.

    Others please respond with your email addresses and preferred time based on the comments above. 

    Email addresses (comma separated):

    If you'd like to use the zoom from hyperledger, feel free to use it for this breakout meeting:

    Looking forward to this meeting.

  18. Hi my name is Victor Cavazos, i'm from Monterrey, Mexico and I'm the fourth generation of an agricultural family. I've been working in the agricultural sector for the last 15 years with most experience in post-harvest activities like: Grading & Classification, Packaging, Storage, Transportation and Food Safety. For the last five years, I was responsible of Institutional sales and worked together with Supermarkets in Mexico and USA.

    Currently, I'm working on Fruture a Blockchain project that will disrupt the agricultural sector. 

    My email is and i'm available for meetings between 6-10pm PST, so 8pm is perfect for me. 

    It's awesome to get to know you, let's buidl cool things together. 


  19. Zaher, Please send out a calendar invite when possible. Looking forward to attending the first project discussion.

  20. Hi All, 

    I am sorry about this little confusion about the time zones. I won't be able to make it at 8 pm PST as I will be on the road. I will send you an invite for 9 pm PST and I hope this works well for all. 

  21. Meeting Minutes June 19 @9 pm PST 

    Attendees: Zaher Srour ; Adnan Iftekhar 

    Meeting notes:

    • Attendees introduction, their background, motivation and expectations
    • Discussed the items in the scope and where Blockchain can add value
    • Discussed some of the challenges pertaining to lack of trust and data protection in the food supply chain

    I hope we will have a wider participation in our next call as I can see we have a pool of talents with diversified knowledge and experience that we look forward to their valuable contributions.

  22. Created a poll for us to select a time for us to meet. Please vote for next week's time,

  23. Meeting notes from 6/20 discussion: 

    Food Safety Project Meeting Notes

    • Add, Corda, Food Trust
    • Add more details to scope
    • Deliverable suggestion - one stop shop for understanding where the industry is at, best practices, analysis of consortium models - what’s unique about them
    • Talk about how these interact with outside systems - return data - how do we make it easy for getting that data in/out of blockchain - Bret has done some work in Blockchain and AWS - Integration/Interoperability heading/bullet is needed.
    • Vivek Ahuja & Michael Ribet from Sofbang will join this project - please add yourself to wiki.
  24. Please update the meeting time and details......

  25. Goog Morning!!!

    I share with you what's happening on blockchain with Supply Chain implementation in agroindustry with Senasa.

    (Senasa is in Argentina National Service for Agrifood Health and Quality)

  26. Hello everyone. I'm new to the group and hope to attend the meeting this evening. I work at Perdue Farms as a convergence specialist in telecommunications. I'm also a blockchain advocate and HLF adviser. 

  27. Welcome Deverick, Agustina, Adnan. Please check the Hyperledger community calendar for the invite.

    We have a meeting later today at 8-9pm EST.

    1. I’m apologize. I had the meeting on my calendar for 9PM EST and just saw your message.

  28. Hi All:  I'm interested in joining the sub-group.    I don't see the meeting time in the Hyperledger Community Calendar.  I do see the time for DSCSA sub group.  Am I missing something?   – would like to know if there is a weekly time specific to this sub group (in addition to the SC SIG meeting time).    If there is not a specific time, would like to connect with some of you.   Thanks!

  29. Marco Carvalho Missed another meeting. I will add the next date to my calendar, if you let me know when it's scheduled.