Webinar duration: no longer than 1 hour

Proposed Outline:

  • Welcome
  • House Keeping (how to use the platform, how to ask questions, etc) 5 minutes
  • Agenda (2 minutes)
  • The Team (slide with names or pictures?) - 1 minute
  • Community efforts
    • A (10 minutes)
    • B (10 minutes)
    • C (10 minutes)
  • Round table (10 minutes)
  • Webinar satisfaction survey link (2 minutes)

Suggested learner interaction strategies

  • Polling questions (host sends polling questions to the audience)
  • Open questions to the audience (presenter asks couple of questions to the audience)
  • Audience can text their questions on the webinar platform
  • No labels


  1. Hi LMDWG - 

    Here is my draft proposal for webinars. I'm sure you all have feedback and other ideas, but I thought I'd start the process of getting something written down.

    Motivation: The Besu project team would like to host a webinar on its project to the Hyperledger community. As a new project, we want to give Hyperledger community members the opportunity to learn about the project, ask questions, and get to know the team working on the project.

    In order to host this webinar, we need some standard processes around Hyperledger-hosted webinars to allow for community involvement and inclusion. I have proposed a few ideas here, but feel free to add something or provide feedback.

    • Hyperledger sets up a monthly or quarterly webinar series in which only projects, working groups, or task forces can present on webinars, but there is an open calendar in which any of those parties can sign up. The point behind this is that this shouldn't be product pitches, but showcasing Hyperledger community efforts. 
    • All webinars are open to the public aligning with its open source/community friendly webinar
    • Webinar materials must be approved by HL staff or LMDWG two weeks prior to presentation.
    • Recording of webinars will be posted on Hyperledger YouTube
    • All presentations need to use Hyperledger template

    Proposed Next Steps:

    • Receive feedback from WG on proposal
    • Gain agreement on ownership of running webinar series from WG + HL Community architects/staff

    Silona Bonewald Bobbi Muscara

  2. Hi! Here is what I would suggest in terms of instructional design/webinar structure

    Webinar duration: no longer than 1 hour

    Proposed Outline:

    • Welcome
    • House Keeping (how to use the platform, how to ask questions, etc) 5 minutes
    • Agenda (2 minutes)
    • The Team (slide with names or pictures?) - 1 minute
    • Community efforts
      • A (10 minutes)
      • B (10 minutes)
      • C (10 minutes)
    • Round table (10 minutes)
    • Webinar satisfaction survey link (2 minutes)

    Suggested learner interaction strategies

    • Polling questions (host sends polling questions to the audience)
    • Open questions to the audience (presenter asks couple of questions to the audience)
    • Audience can text their questions on the webinar platform

    SilonaIB Bonewald  Bobbi Muscara