
Build reference decentralized identity registry based on Hyperledger Indy and identity-syncing protocols among permissioned DLTs using Group DIDs.


NameTime zoneDiscord IDEmail ID
Venkatraman RamakrishnaISTvramaiitkgpvramakr2@in.ibm.com
Bishakh Chandra GhoshISTghoshbishakhghoshbishakh@gmail.com
Sandeep NishadISTsandeepnsandeep.nishad1@ibm.com
Sikhar PatranabisISTSikharsikhar.patranabis@ibm.com


NameTime zoneDiscord IDEmail ID
Atharva AmritkarISTwiredhikari#5319atharvaamritkar0@gmail.com

Communication channel:  Slack + Discord+ Github

Project repo: https://github.com/hyperledger/cacti


  • Augment Indy Plenum with support for managing Group DIDs representing DLT networks
  • Augment Indy SDK to add methods to create and manage Group DIDs
    • (Optional) Augment Indy VDR (future replacement for Indy SDK) to add methods to create and manage Group DIDs
  • Create sample Indy testnet as model IIN (verifiable data registry) with support for maintaining Group DIDs and associated VCs
  • Create trust anchor module built on Hyperledger Aries to represent a consortium that issues VCs to a group represented by a Group DID
  • Upgrade Cacti Fabric IIN Agent to connect to an IIN and sync identities and certificates from another network
  • Create Cacti Corda IIN Agent to connect to an IIN and sync identities and certificates from another network
  • Write appropriate configuration files for IIN Agents, IIN Trust Anchors, and IIN testnet
  • Update Corda CLI to launch IIN Agents
  • Unit and Integration tests
  • Update Decentralized Identity-related RFCs
  • Write tutorial documents for users to configure and launch an IIN and appropriate IIN Agents for the participating DLT networks

Merged PR's

  • TBD

Final Project Presentation:

  • TBD


Eval 1:

  • Research: understand Indy networks, DID and VC concepts, Indy SDK, existing Cacti-Weaver identity management protocols (RFCs)
  • Update design specifications (RFCs) as required based on research output
  • Implement: Indy Plenum support for Group DIDs (using partially existing code as the base)

Eval 2:

  • Implement: Indy SDK support for Group DIDs
  • Implement and configure: Sample IIN
  • Implement: trust anchor module
  • Publish Docker images for IIN and trust anchor modules

Eval 3:

  • Implement: Fabric IIN Agents to depend on IINs and sync memberships (with unit tests)
  • Demonstrate end-to-end data sharing for Fabric networks using IIN Agents
  • Implement: Corda IIN Agents to depend on IINs and sync memberships (with unit tests)

Eval 4:

  • Implement: Corda CLI support to configure and launch IIN Agents
  • Write tutorial documentation to guide users
  • Add appropriate Github Actions for integration testing
  • TBD: Optional deliverables




Oct 17 - Oct 30Mentee intro with mentors, getting hands-on with the Cacti-Weaver code and documentation, understanding the deliverables

Nov 1 - Nov 15
  • Update design specifications (RFCs) as required based on research output
  • Implement: Indy Plenum support for Group DIDs (using partially existing code as the base)

Nov 16 - Nov 31
  • Implement: Indy SDK support for Group DIDs
  • Implement and configure: Sample IIN

Dec 1 - Dec 15
  • Implement: trust anchor module

Dec 16 - Dec 31
  • Publish Docker images for IIN and trust anchor modules
  • Understand: IIN Agents code

TBDFinal presentation


  • TBD
  • TBD
  • TBD
  • No labels