Tech talk materials from the events organized by the Hyperledger India Chapter .

  File Modified
Text File dummyfile.txt Replaced video attachment for Atlassian cloud migration Sep 12, 2024 by Anton Baranov
Text File dummyfile.txt Replaced video attachment for Atlassian cloud migration Sep 12, 2024 by Anton Baranov
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Hyperledger_HederaOverview_V3.pptx Nov 26, 2020 by Rajesh Krishnan
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Hyperledger-Fabric2.0-Decentralised chaincode.pptx Nov 26, 2020 by Rajesh Krishnan
Text File demo-decentralise chaincode.txt Nov 26, 2020 by Rajesh Krishnan
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Blockchain Stories 2020 - 13th June 2020.pptx Nov 26, 2020 by Rajesh Krishnan
Microsoft Word Document Hyperledger Fabric setup in Windows(1).docx Nov 26, 2020 by Rajesh Krishnan
PDF File p_hyperledger.pdf Nov 26, 2020 by Rajesh Krishnan