The intent of blockchain technology in eGovernance is to bring in new ways of achieving tasks that was not possible. Governance plays a key role in shaping an economy, traceability is crucial for the success of any plan.

  1. Plastic Recycle Management: Both from the economy point of view and environment point of view, tracking the plastic waste and its reusability is very important.
  2. Tracking Water Connections
  3. Tracking Toilet Constructions/Public Housing Constructions
  4. Stop tax evading
  5. Safeguard individual's records and access of data
  6. Increased trust on IoT data in building smart cities


  1. Participants are free to choose the area of interest. Describe the problem statement and your pre-read in the proposal. Describe how blockchain can help in solving the problem statement that you're proposing.
  2. Teams are encouraged to build a working proof of concept and demonstrate the use case.

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