Special Interest Group

Financial Markets Special Interest Group (CMSIG)

Report Author(s)

Vipin Bharathan: SIG Chair

FMSIG Overall Health

Interest in our SIG continues. Two major developments took place this half of the year. One, we split the SIG meetings between APAC and US/Europe. Second, we renamed the SIG to Financial Markets SIG. We have a mix of presentations and projects. Continuing project for this next year include NEFERTI (renamed from NIFTY) a cross-silo initiative that continues to get interest. Next half of this year we will participate in creating a cross Institution sandbox for CBDC.  Renewed Interest in DeFi (AMMs, Yield Farming etc.) resulted in a new sub-group being proposed to focus on DeFi.


The name change came with issues; migration is not easy with the platforms that support the SIG (Confluence & Mail Lists). We do have the challenge of gender diversity. Hope to address this partially with the choice of a vice-chair.

Overall Activity in the Past Two Quarters

The FMSIG is very well attended. We have had 11 meetings from Jan 15 2022 until today (July-15-2022) (the period covered by the report). A new subgroup has been proposed  - The DeFi Subgroup. 

Presentation topics include:

  • 2022-07-13 USD+ : Introducing the most trustworthy and adoption ready US Dollar Stablecoin- Stephen Phillips

  • 2022-06-15 Stablecoins: A Deep Dive by Vipin Bharathan 

  • 2022-06-02 (HK, SG Time) Structured Finance Administration on Blockchain for Data Integrity, Asset Transparency and Transaction Efficiency, Siddhartha Siddhartha, CEO Intain

  • 2022-05-18 Proposal for a DeFi subgroup and other items on the Roadmap: Mike McCoy from BlockDaemon

  • 2022-04-20 The Boston Fed presents openCBDC and Project Hamilton: Jim Cunha, EVP, Federal Reserve Bank Boston

  • 2022-04-07 Project Genesis Deep Dive: How Daml Transforms Green Bond Markets For A Sustainable Future 

  • 2022-03-23 An Open Discussion on CBDCs- Particularly the Digital Dollar

  • 2022-03-09 APAC: Behind the scenes with BondbloX 

  • 2022-02-23 Projects and talks for 2022 US/Europe

  • 2022-02-09 Green Bond Projects in BIS- Benedicte Nolens Head of BIS Innovation Centre, BIS

  • 2022-01-26 US- Europe: Roadmap 2022

Planned Work Products

The rest of 2022 will continue the FMSIG’s focus on topical, bold presentations and discussion. Join us to learn, contribute and stay at the head of subjects including:

  • DeFi sub-Group
  • Open source CBDCs
  • Stablecoins 
  • Token standards for Financial Market tokens and for Asset tokens
  • Liquidity considerations in an automated world
  • Contagion
  • DeFi and financial infrastructure - DeFi regulation, pricing and risk management
  • Custody of digital assets
  • Breaking silos (identity, tokens, payments)
  • Interoperability (chain and otherwise)- SAT (Safe Asset Transfer)
  • NFT and Capital Markets  - NIFTY proposal to build an open source solution in Hyperledger labs:  NFTs <--> FTs
  • Regulation
  • Monetary Policy & Fiscal Policy 

Participant Diversity

We opened very strongly with some women led presentations,  last year. We do need to increase presentations from women leaders in the space. Please send those recommendations our way. We need to improve this mix. Gender diversity is still a challenge.

This is a very diverse membership with global representation (including, but not limited to, member participation from China, East and West Coast US, England, Canada, Switzerland, India, and the different countries within the EU). 

Date Published


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