
This project aims to integrate a new BFT consensus protocol into the Hyperledger Fabric's orderer service and understand the orderer node's implementation, run the Fabric network using a sample chain code, and collect performance data to accomplish the program goal successfully. We will use BDLS protocol, an innovative BFT consensus algorithm that features safety and liveness by presenting a mathematically proven secure BFT protocol that is resilient in open networks.

Mentor and Mentee

 Ahmed Al Salih - mentor

Aditya Singh
Deeptonabho Dutta
Styvane Soukossi
Santosh Vysyaraju
Tony Mathen


  • Import BDLS library in Fabric.
  • Incorporate Bdls in the orderer main func.
  • Implement concenter interface.
  • Implement chain interface.
  • Bdls messages communication gRPC./ generate metadata proto file for Bdls.
  • Creating Bdls profile.
  • Generate/Validate the blocks.
  • Running Fabric network on BDLS consensus protocol.
  • Performance assessment, competitor analysis.
  • Documentation, mentee evaluation.

Timeline and Deliverables

July 18-25
  • Mentees intro with mentor, Understanding the Orderer service, and understanding the deliverables.
    Set the developer environment.
    Import the Bdls library and boilerplate the interface implementation.
July 25-31 
  • Understanding the gRPC. ProtoBuff (Fabric Metadata, message), BDLS theory.
    Define the scope.
August 01-06
  • Include the protocol to the orderer's main function.
August 07-25
  • Implement Orderer interfaces.
Q-1 Evaluation  [Aug-11-2023, Aug-14-2023]
  • Aditya Singh
  • Deeptonabho Dutta
  • Santosh Vysyaraju
  • Tony Mathen
August 28-31
  • Build Fabric binary/images and debug the orderer data flow. Pushed to SEP-18
September 01-15
  • Generate/validate blocks. 
  • Midterm Evaluation
September 15-17
  • Midterm Evaluation
  • Aditya Singh
  • Deeptonabho Dutta 
  • Styvane Soukossi
  • Santosh Vysyaraju
  • Tony Mathen
September 18-30catch-up on missing progress. + configtx refactoring / Build Fabric images.
September 18-22
  • Planning stable infrastructure and performance testing methods.
October 02-27
  • Collecting data and analysis, including competitor analysis.
Caliper integration or other benchmark.
Q-3 Evaluation  [October -30-2023]
  • Aditya Singh
  • Deeptonabho Dutta
  • Santosh Vysyaraju
  • Tony Mathen
November 24
  • Documentation, Unit tests, planning future direction.
Final Evaluation
December 21
  • Final presentation. Final mentee evaluation.
  • Aditya Singh
  • Deeptonabho Dutta
  • Styvane Soukossi
  • Santosh Vysyaraju
  • Tony Mathen

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