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  • Antitrust Policy Notice
  • Welcome new members, including new member introductions
  • Leveraging the climate impact of the Hyperledger community: GHG reporting across supply chains and moving cloud energy use to renewable sources
    • Carrie George, VP & Head of Sustainability & Impact, from Everledger joins the group for a discussion about Everledger's climate related work. 

      Our Corporate Sustainability Policy works on two vectors: an internal programme, which aims at improving our practices across all Everledger offices and our people across the world, and product impact, which is delivered through the use of our technologies across all industries in which we operate. As such we aim to focus this discussion on two fronts :

      (1) How the Hyperledger community can support interoperability across blockchains on GHG reporting and mitigation and

      (2) How the Hyperledger community can drive consistent improvements in cloud energy reporting and transition to renewable and ultimately carbon free cloud energy across the world.

      (3) Q&A
  • Updates / needs from CA2SIG Working Groups
  • Blog post published on May 11 by Sherwood Climate Change Action: Five Ways to Get Involved in Our Global Climate Accounting Efforts

  • Proposals for the IBM climate use case

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community for all. For more information

please visit the Hyperledger Code of Conduct.


Meeting Notes 


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  1. Great presentation by Everledger sorry I missed this yesterday. The problems/questions raised by Carrie are in lock step with a project I am developing to track to GHG emissions across hydrocarbon fuel supply chains. Hope there will be more opportunities to connect with her, and learn about Everledger product development.

    1. Bertrand WILLIAMSRIOUX – glad to hear that you found the presentation yesterday to be helpful and that this is similar to what you're working on.  I'd suggest starting a thread on tracking to GHG emissions across hydrocarbon fuel supply chains on the group's mailing list.  I imagine that most group members won't see your note on this agenda page on the wiki since the meeting is already past.

      1. Thanks for the suggestion. Will do