
  • Interactive whiteboarding session to identify individual & group level goals
  • Generic Design of carbon accounting system
  • Collaboration opportunities between LF Energy, OS-Climate, Hyperledger, TOIP
  • Contribution campaign around earth day 

Recording: 20210325 CA2SIG Call Recording

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Meeting Agenda 

  • Attendees: 16
  • Welcome new members, including new member introductions
    • Zokama Sakanga - SMART B - France
    • Amir Banifatemi - XPRIZE Foundation - US
  • Conduct exercise to receive input from club members to inform the SIG's goals for 2021
    • Robin to lead whiteboarding session with the group to identify:
      • Individual level goals - what would you like to accomplish for 2021, what kind of support do you need to accomplish this?
      • Group level goals - What can we do to further the mission/charter of the SIG this year?
    • Co-chairs will analyze the input of the whiteboarding session and try to come up with concrete next steps for the CA2SIG in 2021
    • The board is still open to everybody who missed the session and wants to leave their ideas and profiles there.
      • Where you are from in the world? 
      • What are your personal goals for participating in the Climate Action SIG? 
      • What are the goals for your project(s) this year? 
      • What are the goals that you would like the SIG to accomplish this year?
    • Click here for Link to Mural Whiteboard
  • Generic Design of carbon accounting system
  • Contribution campaign around earth day
    • Si Chen is preparing a video for a blog post
    • Sherwood Moore supports with writing the blog post
    • Any additional project that wants to start a little contribution campaign around earth day can directly reach out to Sherwood
  • Announcements: Opportunity for Group members to share upcoming events, presentation opportunities, etc.

1 Comment

  1. Digital transformation projects often stall for a variety of reasons. We saw repeated transformation stalls during 2020 in an industry that was once dedicated to transformation. Change is required to occur within every department of particular companies and Blockchain is therefore the only logical platform. The conversation can begin with the framework of blockchain-based security and the privacy-preserving system. Then the implementation of Blockchain can initiate how that framework can facilitate actual transformation via the Unique Identifier and the Dataset.