
  • Review Ethereum signing with Vault
  • Review Authentication page for client apps using Vault
  • Review Authentication process for client app using web socket security
  • Review automated testing progress 

Today's meeting's full recording:


Since Pritam could not attend, he sent in this recorded demo for his portion:

Pritam Demo for 2021-11-08.mp4

A short demo of the ws-wallet REST API used by 3rd party apps to request a web-socket key from a user's wallet

ws-wallet rest api.mp4


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  1. Bertrand WILLIAMSRIOUXI put our discussion in 343 as a comment.  I think we're very close.  We're going to work on using web socket security in to have a production implementation of your work.

    1. Si Chen the REST API for ws-wallet has been introduced in PR 361

      Running ws-wallet on PORT 9090 exposing POST /session/new/

      request body should include the "key_name" and the fabric app "endpoint" used to request new ws-identity session tickets

      (e.g., "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/utilityemissionchannel/identity/webSocket)

      I opted for this approach, instead of passing a preconfigured sessionId with the ws:// url, because this allows the wallet user to check and authorize the specific application where the 3rd party app will use the web-socket key.

      See short demo posted above

  2. Pritam SinghThank you for your demo video.  It was very helpful.  Based on our discussion, please make the changes in issue 360 so we can integrate Vault security into to have a production implementation of your work.

    Also please give me your feedback on how we can keep the Ethereum key from being passed to another application – I've created issue 359