Every Besu documentation version (including patch) is tagged in the repository, but only the three latest minor versions and the in-flight development version are displayed in the published documentation site (for example: development, 23.10.2, 23.7.3, and 23.4.1).

To build or host a specific version that might not be published on the doc site (for example, 23.7.1):

  1. Clone the besu-docs repository and checkout the tag for your intended version:
    • git clone git@github.com:hyperledger/besu-docs.git
    • cd besu-docs
    • git checkout 23.7.1
  2. Build and run locally:
    • yarn
    • yarn run start
  3. Open a browser tab and navigate to http://localhost:3000/development
  4. (Optional) Host this version on your own infrastructure (for example, nginx or s3):
    • yarn
    • yarn run build
    • yarn run serve (optional – this is to check the output locally) 

          Host the contents of the build folder on your own infrastructure.

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