Options for vulnerability scanning for Besu. There are tools. Lots of tools. 


  • Dependabot is enabled. No current alerts, open or closed: 



running on PRs

CodeQL analysis

Running on main


Teku uses Trivy, and scans the develop docker images. So scan results only include runtime dependencies not build or test dependencies. See https://github.com/ConsenSys/teku/blob/master/.circleci/config.yml


It is from sonatype https://blog.sonatype.com/nexus-vulnerability-scanner-and-vulnerability-analysis but I couldn’t even try it out without agreeing to a whole bunch of stuff on behalf of company so did not proceed.

Has a number of "levels" 1-10. According to the user’s report, there were a number of “level 7” and “level 10” vulnerabilities (details in the ticket). (These were fixed in 21.10.7)


Integrates quite nicely with github but there is a lot of noise. 

Dependency check gradle plugin

Useful but we don't want to gate PRs on this.

There is also a homebrew option

Maven central

Maven central does an ok job of pointing out some CVEs https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.hyperledger.besu.internal/eth/21.10.6 

Disadvantage is it’s only available once the artefact is published, by which time it's a bit late. SNAPSHOT versions don’t get imported into mvnrepository.com

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  1. Ry Jones thanks for the update on Snyk and DockerHub - I don't see that view though - is that an admin thing? 

    1. Maybe? I'm not sure. The account that pushes those images is named pegasysengci, so perhaps ask that person if they can see it?

      1. but - you can see it under your login? Are you an admin for the hyperledger org on DockerHub? pegasysengci is only used for automation

        1. yes, I can see it, as an admin for Hyperledger. Pegasysci has admin powers for the besu repos

          1. Is it an option to add more admins for the besu repos?

            1. what is your dockerhub ID?

                1. you now have admin privs