This project employs the logging facade SLF4J, using Apache Log4j 2.x as its backend. Accordingly, levels of detail can be specified as follows:
OFF: The highest possible rank and is intended to turn off logging.
ERROR: Designates error events that might still allow the application to continue running.
WARN: Designates potentially harmful situations.
INFO: Designates informational messages that highlight the progress of the application at coarse-grained level.
DEBUG: Designates fine-grained informational events that are most useful to debug an application.
TRACE: Designates finer-grained informational events than the DEBUG.
ALL: All levels including custom levels.
For more guidance on which level to use, see Coding Conventions#Logging
For modifying the log output of a running client, you may use a custom log4j config file by setting a system property at startup. Besu's logging doc provides good documentation on how to configure logging in Besu.
Adrian Sutton
Users shouldn't be modifying `/besu/src/main/resources/log4j2.xml` that's the default built-in to besu and it isn't setup to automatically reload on changes. It is possible to use a custom log4j config file by setting a system property at startup. https://besu.hyperledger.org/en/stable/HowTo/Monitor/Logging/ provides good documentation on how to configure logging in Besu.
Felipe Faraggi
thanks Adrian Sutton , wiki updated.