
  • Work-share decided amongst contributors that are interested in pursuing a grant
    • I.e. CSI pursues this grant and is the only group working on it, takes full split. 
    • I.e. CSI, Swirld Labs, ETC Co-Op decide to pursue a grant as Besu project, then split the grant based on agreed-upon work share. 
    • Make use of transparent splitter contracts to divide the funds 
    • Agreements in writing shared amongst contributors in advance 
  • Arbitration by grantor as needed, since it is their funding. This is a fail-over mode. 
  • Transparency is key - discussions to be done on Discord or on calls recorded/with shared notes

Dependency Injection/Inversion of control

  • How will DI help us?
    • Constructor bloat
    • Protocol builders/schedules everywhere
    • Massive builders, tons of components are touched by plumbing for multiple use-cases
  • Spring - How will this help?
    • Spring POC -
    • Won't help with the best dependency graphs
    • Dagger is way more light-weight
    • Spring is infectious in the code-base (turns it into a spring project)
    • Security issue in adding new dependencies (SPRING)
      • Spring has its own dependencies
      • Supply chain attack
    • Refactor of the code is useful anyways to address architectural challenges - THEN add DI - starting with DI instead of evaluating a refactor or the architecture is not the right way to go
    • Diego - Spring too big, maybe useful for some use-cases
  • Danno - 3 Options for DI
    1. Dagger 2
    2. Spring (echoing concern of Diego)
      1. Might be heavyweight and not useful
    3. Rebuild protocol scheduler and refactor as an engineering challenge
      1. Biggest task is analyzing this
    • EVM
    • Data-structs/methods don't require complex assembly
    • Guice DI (DON'T DO IT
    • Library use-cases need to be "framework free"
    • Creating dependencies is more issues and reduces performance
  • Gary
    • DI as a splitting off point for modular use-cases
    • Better for handling privacy code

  File Modified
Text File GMT20230131-010025_RecordingnewChat.txt Jan 31, 2023 by Ry Jones
File GMT20230131-010025_Recording.transcript.vtt Jan 31, 2023 by Ry Jones
Multimedia File GMT20230131-010025_Recording.m4a Jan 31, 2023 by Ry Jones
Multimedia File GMT20230131-010025_Recording_1920x1080.mp4 Jan 31, 2023 by Ry Jones

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