
  • QR / Invitations
    • How are we really going to do deep-links?
    • RFC 496 - Transition to OOB and DID Exchange
    • RFC 700 - sending out-of-band as query parameters and enable redirect back.
    • HTTP Mobile exemptions

Note: This call was recorded and the recording and chat transcript are at the bottom of the page.


(7AM-9AM Los Angeles)

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Welcome / Introductions


QR Code & Invitations

Discussion Topics

  • RFC 496 - Transition to OOB and DID Exchange
    • Connect.Me - Evernym
    • Bifold/AFJ - James Ebert and the Awesome Canadians
    • ATB Proof (AFJ) - Alberta
    • Trinsic / eSatus / Lissi / IDRamp - .Net Framework
    • Findy Wallet
    • iGrant Sweden
    • Northern Block Orbit
    • DIT -
    • Mattr
    • Liquid Avatar
    • SecureKey/TrustBloc/AFG (already on OOB and DID Exchange)
    • Process
      • Seek Status (where is your code now)
      • Is the Proposed Date Reasonable?
      • Step 1 Date Dec 31st 2021
      • Stephen Curran will chase this proposal.
        • Contact each wallet author
        • Post notifications to the Aries Community - email and list
        • Update the RFC with: Status and new date.
        • Request updates to the implementation table in the RFC
  • RFC 700 - sending out-of-band as query parameters and enable redirect back.
  • How are we really going to do deep-links?
    • Two methods - custom scheme (didcomm://) or associated domains 
      • custom scheme
        • works well for Android.
        • iOS with two apps on the same scheme, message reception is undefined. No end user choice or config.
        • no associated app, this fails out.
      • associated domains
        • register URL with app (
        • do something based on navigated URL
        • tight coupling
      • community managed domain
        • nascar selection
        • auto-redirect to custom scheme, detect failure.
        • can also redisplay QR code.
        • redirect from within iframe
        • also works with web wallets/agents (in association with RFC 700)
    • Writeup of proposed process James / Clecio / Sam
      • and issue that links to it.
    • James will do science on the proposed process.
  • HTTP Mobile exemptions
    • DIDComm allows HTTP endpoints
    • Mobile platforms require an exemption to call http links instead of https
    • How do we resolve this for mediators and mobile apps?
    • jason volunteered for a PR with a SHOULD for HTTPS.

Action items

Call Recording

  File Modified
Text File dummyfile.txt Replaced video attachment for Atlassian cloud migration Sep 12, 2024 by Anton Baranov
Text File dummyfile.txt Replaced video attachment for Atlassian cloud migration Sep 10, 2024 by Anton Baranov

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