
  • Proposed AnonCreds v2.0 Data Models - Presentation - Mike Lodder
  • Open Discussion

Recording of Call: dummyfile.txt

Segment – Awesome Presentation by Mike Lodder: dummyfile.txt


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Meeting Attendees

Stephen Curran (BC Gov / Cloud Compass Computing Inc.) <>

Steve McCown (Anonyome Labs) <>

Related Repositories:

Goals of the Working Group:

The goal of AnonCreds v2.0 is to retain and extend the privacy-preserving features of AnonCreds v1.0, while improving capabilities, performance, extensibility, and security.

Meeting Preliminaries:

  • Welcome and Introductions
  • Announcements:
    • IIW – April 18-20 – Let's plan some presentations.
    • New v2.0 Specification Repository created.
  • Updates to the Agenda


  • Mike Lodder will continue a discussion of the Data Models he is proposing for AnonCreds v2.0, this time talking about Presentations
    • Data Models HackMD document:
    • Notes from Meeting:
      • Contents of the Issued Credential – easily mapped into other formats, such as the W3C VC Data Model.
        • Open question on where encoding occurs – within AnonCreds (better interoperability, less data to store, more computation) or by the Issuer.
      • PresentationSchema
        • A possibly published data structure used by the Verifier to ask for data from the Holder.
        • Atomic – when requested, a Proof based on a PresentationSchema is either proven or not.
        • Can use something like DIF Presentation exchange to AND/OR a set of PresentationSchemas in to a Presentation Request – plus adding an ID and a nonce.
        • Different types of proofs were covered – from plain signatures to range-proofs.
        • Different crypto can be used.
      • From Chat:
        • Is bulletproof more efficient than schnorr proofs?
          • Different purposes – Schnorr: Prove you know the hidden value, Bullet: Proof hidden value is in range.
        • Discussion of revocation scalability – details to be covered in a future meeting.
  • Plans for IIW?
  • Next Meeting (two weeks):
    • Suspension vs./as well as revocation?
    • Collect some use case specific examples and continue the discussions:
      • Applying the data structures to a real use case or two
        • Take an existing AnonCreds Schema (maybe this) and Credential Definition (maybe this) and define what it would be using Mike's proposed data models.
          • Where would the data models exist, such as on ledger, in the AnonCreds specification?
      • What concrete uses other than link-secret is there for blinded data in a credential?
    • ALLOSAUR Revocation

Future Calls

To Dos:

  • Plan session for IIW on AnonCreds.

Action items