Scope and Goals

The main goal is to research and implement changes in the current data model mainly in transaction interface and commands and query interfaces to make the current data model modular and making Iroha operable with different data models from other than the existing one. Decoupling data model from current data model will allow us to reuse it in different projects.


  • Implement a working interface that will allow us to use different data models.
  • Have a working integration with at least one data model from other projects.


Weeks 1-3

  • Get comfortable with the code base and architecture of core-iroha.
  • Research design concepts and common interface that will allow us to reuse data model from other projects.

Weeks 4-6

  • Implement the design and interface finalised in phase 1.

Weeks 7-9

  • Implement working integration with data model from other projects with functional commands.
  • Implement working integration with data model from other projects with functional queries.

Weeks 10-12

  • Review
  • Testing
  • Merging


  • Review on a quarterly basis according to the full-time mentorship schedule.
  • Weekly meetings with mentors for discussing recent work and encountered problems.

Project Results

  • A new generalised CallModel command was added.
  • A C++ API known as Data Model Registry was added.
  • A command to enable specific data models was added.

Link to the GitHub branch with changes:

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