CFP Dates to Remember:

  • CFP Closes: Friday, September 27, 2019
  • CFP Notifications: Wednesday, November 13, 2019
  • Schedule Announcement: Wednesday, November 20, 2019
  • Slide Due Date: Tuesday, February 25, 2020
  • Event Dates: Tuesday, March 3 - Friday, March 6, 2020

There are a number of possible suggested topics grouped into two categories: Business Topics and Technical Topics (see below). Some initial suggestions we might consider likely focus most on a “business topic, such as:

    • An educational architecture for lifelong learning accomplishments
    • Blockchain architectural requirements for the learning organizations
    • Governance and policies: supporting the learner or the learning organization?
    • Public, Permissioned or hybrid blockchains in education
    • Identity options for decentralized ledger architectures

Short Elaboration of Presentation Topic or Brief Outline:

Example from first bullet above

  • An educational architecture for lifelong learning accomplishments
    • Who is the lifelong learner record of accomplishments for?
    • What goes into a record of learning & work accomplishments that merit a persistent record? 
    • Who should control them (rights of ownership and sharing)? 
    • What is there volatility and what does that mean for the architecture?
    • What goes on-chain vs off-chain?
      • If off-chain is that decentralized or on the learner’s personal device?
  • Your ideas here!!

After a short time we should tally vote on the list to pick at least one for submission. It’s not clear to me that we can’t submit multiple presentations if there is sufficient interest among the group to do so. But a ranking of preferences should be obtained in fairly short order.

I’m open to doing this differently if this approach doesn’t work for the group. This is meant to be a catalyst to get something together for submission in the short time we have. 

Note: The presentation can be an individual speaker or a panel.

From the CFP Guidelines

Suggested Business Topics:

  • End User Case Studies - break down into a few different industries
  • Role of Government in Blockchain
  • The Rise of the Foundation
  • Governance for Enterprise Blockchains
  • Economics of Enterprise Blockchain
  • Stories from the Battlefield- The Opportunities, The Challenges, The Solutions, The Results
  • How to Make Interoperability Work
  • Complexities of Healthcare and Medical Records
  • Blockchain for Good - Societal Impact
  • The People of Blockchain - Meeting different thought leaders - from the member community - encouraging underrepresented groups
  • Making the Case for Blockchain Initiatives
  • The Next Generation for an ICO for the Enterprise World
  • Public vs Permissioned Ledgers
  • Scalability in the Wild
  • Grafting Blockchains into Enterprise Businesses
  • Industry Sessions

Suggested Technical Topics:

  • Deployment of Hyperledger/Blockchain technologies (POCs, pilots, Blockchain for social good, production)
  • Interoperability between Hyperledger projects 
  • Performance and Scalability - big vs small, IoT (embedded devices)
  • "Identity and Blockchain (security implications; authentication)
  • {Architecture} of Hyperledger tech - modularity
  • Reference Architectures - use case and developed architecture for it
    • Best practices when creating Blockchain apps
    • Patterns and practices
  • Deployment tips & tricks with Hyperledger technologies 
  • Production learnings with Hyperledger technologies 
  • Technical Demos
  • DevOps of Blockchain
    • What went well/not so well, lessons learned
  • Usability and user interface of Hyperledger projects
  • Blockchain from first principles /Hyperledger 101
  • Contributing to Hyperledger/Getting Involved with Hyperledger
  • Blockchain and AI
  • Blockchain and IoT
  • Hardware for Blockchain
  • Hyperledger + Ethereum
    • How the two communities work together, compete, collaborate, etc.
  • Approaches to Consensus 
  • Approaches to Privacy/Confidentiality
  • Innovations for smart contracts 
  • Cryptographic advances
  • Best practices for management and operations
  • Handling application data
  • Platform tutorials for each of the Hyperledger platforms
  • Open source 101 (submitting your first patch)
    Hyperledger project specific talks
  • Core components of each of the Hyperledger projects
    • Getting started with Hyperledger [Project] -- updates on
    • Beginner and Advanced - overview of Hyperledger [Project] to segregate audiences
  • No labels