Implement an SSA intermediate representation for the Solang compiler


Solang is an open-source Solidity compiler written in Rust. It currently generates an intermediate representation in a Control Flow Graph (CFG) for each function in a Solidity contract during compilation. This project aims to implement a lower-level Static Single-Assignment (SSA) intermediate representation between the CFG and the LLVM-IR. The SSA representation will allow further optimizations during compilation, such as liveness analysis and partial redundancy elimination.

Mentor and Mentee

Mentor: Lucas Steuernagel

Mentee: Fanyi Zhao

Fork of official repository for this project: <>


  • The three-address code format: implement the data structure of the new three-address code format CFG.
  • The three-address code format: Implement a text dump function for the new CFG. (+ unit tests)
  • The three-address code format: Convert the old CFG into the new CFG of three-address codes. (+ unit tests)
  • Implement SSA: insert phi functions into the new CFG. (+ unit tests)
  • (Optional) Implement SSA: rename variables to generate SSA format. (+ unit tests)


From to .


  • -  Learn Solidity syntax, Solang project structure, and Rust.

Evaluation 1

Due date: October 20th

  • - The three-address code format: define the data structure of the new three-address code format CFG.
  • - The three-address code format: Implement a text dump function for the new CFG. (+ unit tests)
  • - The three-address code format: Convert the old CFG into the new CFG of three-address codes. (+ unit tests)

Evaluation 2 - Midterm

Due date: November 15th

  • - PR Review & PR fixes.

Evaluation 3

Due date: December 1st

  • - Implement SSA: insert phi functions into the new CFG. (+ unit tests)

Evaluation 4 - Final

Due date: December 22nd

  • - PR Review & PR fixes.
  • - (Optional) Implement SSA: rename variables to generate SSA format. (+ unit tests)


Weekly check-ins to report project progress. Chat with Lucas on Discord for questions. Attend daily Solang meetups to report progress and ask questions.

Read the book "SSA-based Compiler Design" for a detailed explanation of all the algorithms required to implement SSA.

SSA-based Compiler Design

SSA-based Compiler Design

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