Panel list - 

Hena Venugopal
Surabhi Chhatre N
Shilpa Sood
Sristi Assudani

Moderator -

Ritu Jain 

Please add your name alongside if the question interests you!

In what ways do you see blockchain technology making a positive impact on sustainability efforts, such as reducing carbon emissions or increasing transparency in supply chains?Sristhi Hena Surabhi
What challenges or barriers do you see in implementing blockchain solutions for sustainability, and how can we overcome them?Hena
How can blockchain technology improve the accessibility, security, and accuracy of healthcare records, patient care in general?
How do you envision blockchain technology transforming the healthcare industry in the next 5-10 years?Sristhi , 
Beyond sustainability and healthcare, what other industries or areas do you see as having the most potential for blockchain innovation and adoption?



What are some of the ethical considerations around the use of blockchain in areas like healthcare or personal data management, and how can we ensure that these technologies are used responsibly and ethically?  
What role do you see governments and regulatory bodies playing in promoting the adoption and development of blockchain technology in various industries, and what policies or frameworks might be necessary to support this growth?Sristhi Surabhi
Which use cases do you see prominent in the healthcare sector & sustainability?Sristhi 

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