

10:00am EST

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community for all. For more information

please visit the Hyperledger Code of Conduct.


Welcome and Introductions

Who you are, and what your interest is in the Whitepaper effort.


  • Welcome
  • Review last meeting
    • Whitepaper elements
    • Landscape review
    • Charter Updates
  • Next meeting deliverables

Previous Meeting Summary:



  • Charter:
    • Hart has further suggestions: governing board 'open'. Daniela will address
      • Look at how to present parts of discussions out to community
      • Published (redacted) minutes-?
  • Landscape:
    • Tweaks
      • Clean up repetitive use of Hyperledger on card mode
      • Make cards display bigger?
    • Categories- hold pending new projects coming out of labs
  • Whitepaper
    • Edits to draft outline
      • Help provide content/tools to present to internal stakeholders




  • Charter
    • Min to send final proposed changes to LF legal then to Governing board for final approval 
    • Discussion on dissemination of Governing board notes.
  • Landscape
    • Arun to make further adjustments to enlarge cards in 'Projects' tab in landscape
  • White paper
    • Taskforce members have two weeks to submit notes/edits/suggestions 
  • Task Force concludes having met goals 
    • Further steps possible on topics including:
      • Website improvements offering more dynamic content to help onboard newcomers to community
        • Business/membership
        • Technical/contributors
      • Increase transparency with Governing board
        • Proposed wiki page with public notes as possible solution
      • Additional resources to contributors
        • help "convince your boss" 

Action items

  • Arun S M - continue work on final landscape punch list
  • Helen Garneau - Conclude Taskforce to TSC
  • Emily Fisher - continue to draft Whitepaper - (any edits from group most appreciated)

1 Comment

  1. Item on SIG reporting Hart Montgomery- As part of our discussion today regarding SIGs and making sure the community is fully aware of the work, the challenges and the opportunities for the SIGs to work with the technical community and beyond.

    Would be great to get some feedback from you and others on the existing SIG reports that are being published by the SIG chairs- SIG Bi-Annual Reports . In the past, we had the chairs do these quarterly, but had to move them to twice a year due to feedback from SIG chairs and participants. Our next SIG, WG chairs and Chapter leads Quarterly Best Practice Call is on Monday, October 4th, 2021. Reporting and sharing out has been on ongoing topic and we can provide further guidance there on feedback from the TSC and others. thanks in advance.