Responsible person:

Vikram Sharma Kamlesh Nagware Deepika P Karanji Pramod Dhumal Ritu Jain Aditya Joshi Rajesh Krishnan kartikey kashyap Ravi Pratap Singh Nidhi Singh 

ParticularThing to doResponsibleRemarks




02 Sept 2023 (Confirmed), Saturday

9:00 - 6:00 PM

(KNMA, Sector-126, Noida) HCL campus

Vikram Sharma 

Objective of Conference
  • In-person meetup with community
  • Stories sharing (startup in Hyperledger framework, tools, blockchain organization)

  • Networking, case studies, showcase of live projects :(Startup in Hyperledger framework, tools, blockchain organization)
    • How are they being used by them?
    • Experiences from implementation.
  • Panel Discussion: (Title?)
    • Digital identities
    • Digital assets
    • CBDC
  • Keynote speakers (2)
  • Student Involvement:  HIC student society chapter involvement
    • Ideation (pre-round)

    • Nov/Dec. event (final round)

  • Internship/job board
  • Developer advocates events/ Bootcamp

  • To be decide
  • Will Hyperledger provide funds or local sponsorship?
  • Sponsorship (only non-monitory based)
  • course certification, venue, food, etc.


Speakers, Panelist

Workshop/Breakout sessions

  • Parelle activities can be planned.


1:00 -2:00 lunch

2:00- 6:00

7:00-9:00 Networking dinner

Registration for event


  • Participant registration on the event platform :
    • (ex. Eventbrite platform)
  • Registration desk/helpdesk at the venue

  • Volunteers:

    • students

  • Booths:
    • For exhibitors
    • For sponsors
    • Credit, course from exhibitors/sponsors for the student community and others
  • Goodies:
    • From HYperledger foundation
Vikram Sharma 
Posters, Promotion

Event poster (online): social media

Event poster (physical): Banners/poster

Catering and Refreshments

Finding sponsors for the followings:

  • Tea Breaks -2 
  • Lunch
  • Dinner >> 

Tea break: 50/person

Lunch: 200/person

Dinner: ??

Recording/ PA SystemWho will sponsor it?

Action Items
  1. Digital poster
  2. Google form for speaker/Exhibitor/Sponsor registration(Interested)
  3. Event planning sheet - Schedule, Cost, etc.
  4. Venue  confirmation - Vikram

  • No labels