The Zenhub has up-to-date Epics that Besu development is targeting over various releases. See the roadmap tab on the Public Zenhub here:

This document represents the current working roadmap for Besu. It is a living document, which will evolve and change over time. In particular the features in later versions are likely to change.

We use the approach of #now, #next, #later used by foursquare, with a slightly different time horizon. Our #now scale is about 3 months, #next about 6 months, and #later is 12+ months.

Public Roadmap

Enterprise Roadmap


Node Operator Experience

Related releases 24.1.x

- Bonsai-friendly Archive Mode

- Besu as the Linea client

- Sync improvements, speed & robustness

- Besu as a Snap Sync Server

- Verkle Trie ongoing development

- Cancun delivery, Prague scoping/prep

Related releases 24.4.x

- Public / Private network feature parity (sync!)

- Codebase cleanup for better multi-use-case 

- Packaged PoS images for Mainnet with neatly integrated CL client

- Revitalized plug-in strategy, technical documentation

Reduce unnecessary storage

  • Empty-block period

Bonsai + QBFT support

  • Reduce storage requirements
  • Improve performance


  • Explore QBFT performance bottlenecks and improvements


Developer Experience

Related releases 24.7.x

- Besu as a customizable L2/L3 sequencer

- Besu on more Layer 2 networks 

- Prague: dev/test/ship

- Verkle Trie ongoing development

- Modularity of the protocol schedule

- Ongoing performance work

Modularity/Enterprise release

  • Release that removes unneccesary features and packages
    • POS
    • POW
    • Tessera? (possibly optional)
    • Public chain profiles
    • ...


Prague Fork, Client Evolution

Related releases 24.10.x

- Prague: dev/test/ship

- Verkle Tries: 

- Light client exploration

- Besu as a customizable L2/L3 sequencer

- Modularity everywhere

- Ongoing performance work

Ongoing Protocol Research

  • Besu as an Ethereum reference client in Java
  • Verkle Tries
  • History / State Expiry research 
  • Portal network PoC / EIP-4444

  • No labels