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  1. Bertrand WILLIAMSRIOUXIs the C-NFT linking back to the Audited Emissions tokens somehow for example through metadata or a field on the token?

  2. Si Chen 

    The C-NFT links directly to a tokenId

    Each C-NFT has a mapping(uint => CarbonTrackerMappings) internal _trackerMappings;

    the struct for CarbonTrackerMappings includes and array of tokenIds
    struct CarbonTrackerMappings {

    mapping(uint => uint) amount;
    uint[] tokenIds;


    For now I am using NET (tokenTypeId=4 for Carbon Tracker Emission token) when issuing tokens to a C-NFT contract, as these are non-retired audited emissions certificates. I modified NET so only Emission Auditors can issue tokenTypeId=4.

    We could use retired Audited emission certificates, unless there is reason to transfer the C-NFT tokens to a registered Consumer address when tracking is complete.