Healthcare Special Interest Group (HC-SIG)


It is the mandate of this Special Interest Group, the Hyperledger Healthcare Special Interest Group (HC-SIG), to represent healthcare professionals and technologists, and globally unite in advancing the state of the healthcare industry through the implementation of technology solutions using blockchain technologies in general, and the umbrella of Hyperledger frameworks and toolsets in specific.

Healthcare SIG wiki page : Healthcare SIG

Report Author(s)

Mike McCoy

Healthcare-SIG Overall Health

The HC-SIG meetings are held every two weeks and we have an average attendance of 16.5/General Meeting and 24/Guest Presentation. We have adjusted our meeting formats at the General Meetings to be focused on Industry Research and News in a Journal Club format and have received positive feedback. Our subgroups of Patient, Provider and Interop have lacked quality attendance over the past year.

Issues and Challenges

We mostly only receive attendance in the America's, Latin America and Europe. The group struggles to bring in attendees from the eastern parts of the world. The group that shows up the most is very active and contributes to projects and thought leadership, though we would like to produce more actual products as a SIG.

Overall Activity in the last 6 months

  • LFPH Vaccination Passport Presentation
  • ResearchHub Medical Research Marketplace Presentation 
  • Active work and participation in the GoodHealthPass Verifiable Credentials Project
  • Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs), Verifiable Credentials (VCs), Ledger Identity Schemas
  • Healthcare Use Case Review Quarterly 
  • NFTs in Healthcare: Raising Money for Charity, Genomic/DNA Ownership, Provenance of Medical Research, etc
  • Clinical Trial Recruitment and Prior Authorization via Blockchain
  • Federated Learning for Providers, Pharma 
  • VitaDAO: Liquidity Pool Longevity Funds
  • Decentralized Clinical Trials via DTRA

Planned Work Products

  • Expand on Payer and Interop Projects
  • How does DeFi effects Healthcare?
  • Risk Pools for Individuals via Blockchain 
  • Continuing Education on News and Research

Participant Diversity

As far as gender diversity goes, we would love more women to present and be active in our meetings. Currently we average 6/16.5 people who identify as female in attendance for our meetings, but we would like to increase those numbers. Most of our attendance is from English speaking countries in the western world, but we would like to add more diverse presenters and ideas from our friends in Africa, Asia, Australia and other parts of the world. 

Additional Information 


Date Published: 


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