Basic Info


  • Recent resolved issues 
    type key summary assignee reporter priority status resolution created updated due

    JQL and issue key arguments for this macro require at least one Jira application link to be configured

  • Agent containerization design spec
  • Intern Mentor blog post (Haitao Yue Luke Chan), how's going with the intern now?
  • K8sCon in June preparation (Haining Zhang Luke Chan)
  • Peng Du team will demo 
  • Authentication and authorization and business operations discussions (tong li)
  • Will cancel next week meeting due to dragon boating festival.


Please input your name before the meeting 


  • Baohua Yang has re-triggered the CI testing to see if docker failure disappear now;
  • Luke Chan and Haitao Yue will prepare the mentor blog post and help our intern on-board;
  • Haining Zhang will prepare the slides before June 14 and see what demo we can have, 3 plans:
    • a. v1.0 UI demo;
    • b. v0.9 UI demo;
    • c. Ansible agent without UI.
  • feng yang will help improve the UI work in following two weeks.
  • Next next week: Peng Du team will demo 
  • tong li suggests separate the authentication/authorization functionalities from the API server, Haitao Yue evaluate that it will take non-negligible efforts, hence will create Jira issue first and consider as future features.

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