Versions Compared


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  • Operational support of specific DLT/MPS platforms
    • Alerting
    • Monitoring dashboards
    • Integration into enterprise data systems
    • Tools to set up chains
  • End user focused projects
    • Wallets
    • Secret storage/vaults
    • Credential storage
  • Cross chain interoperability
    • (But needs to provide distinct features from existing projects)
  • Application support and libraries
    • Tokens
      • Specifically novel uses such as confidential tokens, CBDC scale, etc.
    • NFTs
      • Specifically novel areas, not just profile picture collections.
      • White label marketplace?
      • Utility frameworks for NFTs?
    • UX libraries
    • Developer Tools
      • Compilers
      • Development Frameworks
  • Domain specific toolkits
    • Supply chain (Grid already occupies some space)
    • Provenance 
    • IP
    • Exchanges (DEX or CEX)
  • Low level DLT/MPS libraries
    • Common consensus libraries
  • "Hero" demo projects showcasing HL technologies
    • ex: metaverse demo with HL DLTs such as fabric

HLF is not interested in

  • Operating a specific network
    • Projects may support the network but the governance of such networks must be entirely separate from HLF in inception and operation.
    • Example: Ethereum Mainnet 
  • Hosting a specific application
    • HLF may support the software for a particular project, but it will hot host the front end instance of it.  Member companies should provide that service
    • Example: Block Explorers
  • Running and operating a formal standards process
    • Standards work may run in parallel to a project, but HLF is interested in the software implementation and community around the software, not the standards making process.
    • Projects may become de facto standards, but formal processes must run outside of HLF.
    • HLF invites projects that are implementations of formal standards processes.


  • Solang
    • Solidity→WASM compiler.
    • Solana, substate, ewasmWASM
    • Applied for incubation in the past.  Rejected for not enough maintainers, now has 3 maintainers
    • Jim sees it as useful
    • Positive view of tech used (LLVM, Rust, etc.)
  • Perun
    • Confidential state channels across DLTs
    • "recursive lightning network" - bootstrap off of the trust of other people.
    • Ask for a TSC presentation (Tracy to take action on this)
  • Business Partner Agent
    • May become an Aries subproject - needs connection
  • Orion
    • Centralized key/value ledger
    • Did a HLF meetup
    • Working on decentralization, or for use cases where decentralization is not essential
  • Fabric (may not be top level, may be absorbed into fabric proper)
    • Fabric Operations Console
    • Fabric Operator...
    • Looking to gauge interest and which one gets traction
    • Also, other K8s projects
  • Blockchain Carbon Accounting
  • Fabric Token SDK
    • (Works with Fabric and Orion)
  • ...

Labs exits may want to go to being integrated into an existing project instead of becoming an incubating project.

  • Example: Weaver/Cactus integration

Ways to encourage Labs projets to "Level Up"

  • TSC Presentation
  • Meetup Presentations
  • Direct invitation to incubate

Non-Labs Projects

  • Generalized Rollup Solution for multiple DLTs
    • Non-ZK aggregation (optimistic rollups)
    • ZK Rollup
    • ZK^2 Rollup (ZK proofs with built in privacy, i.e. only sender and receiver can read, with external constraints enforced)
    • Cairo (see Starkware)
  • Nightfall?
    • EY
  • Gnark
    • From Consensys
    • Complementary to Ursa
  • Possible Members?
    • Starkware
    • Polygon?

Elephant in the room

What's Hyperledger's public network story?  There's an opportunity and a threat.
