Versions Compared


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Requirements for BEST PRACTICE BADGE :

Self Certify for CII Badge:

The project MUST have a version-controlled source repository that is publicly readable and has a URL. [repo_public] Show detailsMirror Repository on GitHub, which provides public git repositories with URLs. Source control via GitHub

The project's source repository MUST track what changes were made, who made the changes, and when the changes were made. [repo_track]Repository on GitHub, which uses git. git can track the changes, who made them, and when they were made. Source control via GitHub Repository on GitHub, which uses git. git can track the changes, who made them, and when they were made. Repository on GitHub, which uses git. git can track the changes, who made them, and when they were made.

To enable collaborative review, the project's source repository MUST include interim versions for review between releases; it MUST NOT include only final releases. [repo_interim] Show detailsSource control via GitHub

Core Infrastructure Initiative


It is SUGGESTED that common distributed version control software be used (e.g., git) for the project's source repository. [repo_distributed] Show detailsMirror repository on GitHub, which uses git. git is distributed. Repository on GitHub, which uses git. git is distributed.


  • Identification

Hyperledger Explorer is a simple, powerful, easy-to-use, highly maintainable, open source browser for viewing activity on the underlying blockchain network. Users have the ability to configure & build Hyperledger Explorer natively on macOS and Ubuntu.
  • What programming language(s) are used to implement the project? 

  • Basic project website content

  • The project website MUST succinctly describe what the software does (what problem does it solve?). [description_good] 
Please visit Hyperledger Explorer for more info.

  • The project website MUST provide information on how to: obtain, provide feedback (as bug reports or enhancements), and contribute to the software. [interact]

All contributors are welcomed, please read on

  • The information on how to contribute MUST explain the contribution process (e.g., are pull requests used?) (URL required) [contribution] 

    Non-trivial contribution file in repository. Projects on GitHub by default use issues and pull requests, as encouraged in documentation.

  • The information on how to contribute SHOULD include the requirements for acceptable contributions (e.g., a reference to any required coding standard). (URL required) [contribution_requirements]
Please see CONTRIBUTING to Hyperledger Explorer document, and Coding guidelines

  • FLOSS license

    What license(s) is the project released under? 

  • The software produced by the project MUST be released as FLOSS. [floss_license]
 Hyperledger Explorer Project source code is released under the Apache 2.0 license. The Apache-2.0 license is approved by the Open Source Initiative (OSI). For more

info. The Apache-2.0 license is approved by the Open Source Initiative (OSI).

  • It is SUGGESTED that any required license(s) for the software produced by the project be approved by the Open Source Initiative (OSI). [floss_license_osi] 

    The Apache-2.0 license is approved by the Open Source Initiative (OSI).

  • The project MUST post the license(s) of its results in a standard location in their source repository. (URL required) [license_location] 

    Non-trivial license.

  • Documentation

Hyperledger Explorer documentation, and

  • The project MUST provide basic documentation for the software produced by the project. [documentation_basics]

  • The project MUST provide reference documentation that describes the external interface (both input and output) of the software produced by the project. [documentation_interface] 

Swagger/OpenAPI is provided and instructions how to invoke described in document
  • .

  • Other

  • The project sites (website, repository, and download URLs) MUST support HTTPS using TLS. [sites_https] HTTPS [SSH](

Hyperledger Explorer Chat

  • The project MUST have one or more mechanisms for discussion (including proposed changes and issues) that are searchable, allow messages and topics to be addressed by URL, enable new people to participate in some of the discussions, and do not require client-side installation of proprietary software. [discussion] 


Hyperledger Explorer Discussion Group

  • The project SHOULD provide documentation in English and be able to accept bug reports and comments about code in English. [english] 


(Advanced) What other users have additional rights to edit this badge entry? Currently: [] 

Change Control

Public version-controlled source repository


The project MUST have a version-controlled source repository that is publicly readable and has a URL. [repo_public] Show details
Mirror Repository on GitHub, which provides public git repositories with URLs. Source control via GitHub


The project's source repository MUST track what changes were made, who made the changes, and when the changes were made. [repo_track]
Repository on GitHub, which uses git. git can track the changes, who made them, and when they were made. Source control via GitHub Repository on GitHub, which uses git. git can track the changes, who made them, and when they were made. Repository on GitHub, which uses git. git can track the changes, who made them, and when they were made.


To enable collaborative review, the project's source repository MUST include interim versions for review between releases; it MUST NOT include only final releases. [repo_interim] Show details
Source control via GitHub


It is SUGGESTED that common distributed version control software be used (e.g., git) for the project's source repository. [repo_distributed] Show details
Mirror repository on GitHub, which uses git. git is distributed. Repository on GitHub, which uses git. git is distributed.

Unique version numbering

Enough for a badge!


The project results MUST have a unique version identifier for each release intended to be used by users. [version_unique]
The project uses Git tags, see change log

Enough for a badge!

It is SUGGESTED that the Semantic Versioning (SemVer) format be used for releases. [version_semver]

Enough for a badge!

It is SUGGESTED that projects identify each release within their version control system. For example, it is SUGGESTED that those using git identify each release using git tags. [version_tags]
Hyperledger Explorer version control, and tagging

Release notes


The project MUST provide, in each release, release notes that are a human-readable summary of major changes in that release to help users determine if they should upgrade and what the upgrade impact will be. The release notes MUST NOT be the raw output of a version control log (e.g., the "git log" command results are not release notes). Projects whose results are not intended for reuse in multiple locations (such as the software for a single website or service) AND employ continuous delivery MAY select "N/A". (URL required) [release_notes], and the CHANGELOG found at

Enough for a badge!

The release notes MUST identify every publicly known vulnerability with a CVE assignment or similar that is fixed in each new release, unless users typically cannot practically update the software themselves. If there are no release notes or there have been no publicly known vulnerabilities, choose "not applicable" (N/A). [release_notes_vulns]
If any known vulnerability was fixed, it is described in for example,


Bug-reporting process

Vulnerability report process


Working build system

Automated test suite

New functionality testing

Warning flags


Secure development knowledge

Use basic good cryptographic practices

Secured delivery against man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks

Other security issues

Static code analysis

Dynamic code analysis

Example : Explorer 

Best practices 
