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Welcome to Hyperledger Supply Chain Special Interest Group (SC-SIG)

represents an

! We represent a global membership of logistics and supply chain professionals united in advancing the state of the supply chain industry through the implementation of enterprise-grade technology solutions utilizing the Hyperledger greenhouse of business blockchain frameworks and tools including Hyperledger's supply chain project, Hyperledger Grid.

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The activities of the Supply Chain SIG will include:

  • Identifying related reference architectures (for example  business and integration architecture, technical and infrastructure architecture), frameworks such as Hyperledger Grid, and models (OSI), use cases, current pilots and proofs of concept, and production case studies;

  • Sharing stories of successes, failures, opportunities and challenges;

  • Exploring and addressing cross-cutting architectural principles, options and decisions  like performance and scalability, security, identity management and privacy, and identity in logistic contexts

  • Working towards proposing solutions to the problems identified;

  • Identifying the business community and building an inclusive platform for early adopters to contribute with their experiences.

  • Supply Chain best practices, awareness of and working in accordance with such rules as customs & import export regulations

Here is the complete scope and charter of this group:

Here are the Quarterly Reports for the SIG to track progress since inception.

Logistics Basics: 

  1. Our primary way to collaborate on projects will be through wiki pages. Therefore it is critical to be able to login and edit wiki pages, for that you will require a Linux Foundation account by signing up here:
RoleNameContactSIG Chair

Joshua Satten

joshua.satten@wipro.comHyperledger Staff POC

Marta Piekarska

SIG MembersMember Introductions

Your Help Needed To Promote This SIG - Invite Others to Join: 

  • Please promote socially - Suggested Tweet or LinkedIn Post:
The #Hyperledger Supply Chain Special Interest Group (SIG) has now launched! To learn more, and find out how you can be more involved with this SIG, visit https://wiki.hyperledger


org/display/SCSIG/Supply+Chain+SIG #SCSIGPromote via 1:1 email, newsletters, or mailing lists you may know of; feel free to use this suggested promo slide:

  • Image format
  • Slide (pptx) format (editable)
  • Getting Started

    •  Join mailing list:
    •  Review our Charter, see below
    •  Setup your wiki login at
    •  Share and propose your ideas, see below 
    •  Share your insights and learn from others
    •  Get Involved/Volunteer: Reach out to SIG Chair if interested!
    •  This group is community-driven and you will get the most out of it the more you put in, although passive participation is totally fine too!

    Group Updates

    Join Now and help promote Image Removed

    Communication Channels

    These are the mechanisms that this working group uses to communicate.

    Mailing List

    Chat Channel

    We use the #supply-chain-sig channel on Rocket Chat.


    All Hyperledger meetings are covered by the following Antitrust Policy.

    ALL MEMBERS: Simply download and click on this meeting invitation file to add recurring invite to your calendars. 

    NOTE: ALL members should re-download this meeting invite file as of July 11, 2019. It has been updated to account for skipping of July 4 meeting due to US National holiday. 

    This group will meet bi-weekly every other Thursday at 9 AM PST via online Zoom Meeting.

    titleHyperledger Community Calendar and SIG meeting Invite

    Group & Subgroup Communications

    Hyperledger Community Calendar and SIG meeting Invite

    Supply Chain SIG

    Online meeting URL

    Dial in details

    Meeting ID: 518 494 7650

    Phone numbers (USA)

    +1 669 900 6833

    US (San Jose)

    +1 646 558 8656

    US (New York)

    Toll-free numbers (USA)

    855 880 1246

    US Toll-free

    877 369 0926

    US Toll-free

    iPhone (one-tap)


    US (San Jose)


    US (New York)

    International numbers

    Your Help Needed To Promote This SIG - Invite Others to Join: 

    • Please promote socially - Suggested Tweet or LinkedIn Post:

    The #Hyperledger Supply Chain Special Interest Group (SIG) has now launched! To learn more, and find out how you can be more involved with this SIG, visit #SCSIG

    • Promote via 1:1 email, newsletters, or mailing lists you may know of; feel free to use this suggested promo slide:

    SIG Chair

    Joshua Satten
    Hyperledger Staff POC

    Marta Piekarska

    SIG MembersMember Introductions

    Meeting Agenda

    Meeting DateAgenda

    Inaugural Meeting:

    Thursday, May 23rd, 9 am PST

    • SIG Introduction
    • Group Logistics & Housekeeping
    • Brainstorming Project Ideas
    • Next steps
    Thursday, June 6, 9 am PST
    • Recap from last meeting/logistics
    • Hyperledger Grid Overview by Dave Cecchi from Cargill
    • Brief Introductions from each attendee
    • Project Proposal brainstorm/team formation


    Thursday, June 20, 9 am PST
  • Recap & Logistics [5 mins]
  • Any open thoughts, industry news, questions, discussion topics, feedback on SIG to share with the whole group?  [5 mins]
  • New Member Introductions - Continued from Last Week [10 mins]
  • Project Updates from Team Members [35 mins]
    a. Blockchain for Food Safety : Zaher, Marco, Uche, Adnan, Victor, Christian, Agustina, Tim
    b. Supply Chain Smart Contract Template : Dave C., Adnan, Michael Ribet, Marco C., Amim K., Victor, Peng H.
    c. Use Cases Project : Mark Rakhmilevich, Adnan IftekharMichael Ribet, Marco Carvalho, Evelyn MeiVictor Cavazos
    d. Best Practice Track & Trace Project: Marco, Baiju
    e. Blockchain for DSCSA: Marco, Baiju
    f. EDI Whitepaper Project : Marco, Joshua S. 
    g. Project GRID Development Project : Dave Cecchi, others
  • Action Items [5 mins]
  • Project Updates
    July 4, 2019NO MEETING - U.S. National Holiday
    July 11, 2019
  • Featured Speaker:, A Food Consortium - Technology & Business Overview - 20 mins
  • New Member Intros, open discussion
  • Agenda

    July 25, 2019
    • Featured Speaker: Gokul Kandiraju, IBM Research, Overview/Update on "Food Trust" Blockchain consortium.
    • New Member Intros, open discussion
    • Project Updates
    August 8, 2019
    • Featured Speakers: Mark Rakhmilevich, Andrew Battat, Wesley Graham, Oracle, Sharing Experience Porting HL Grid to run on HL Fabric-based Platform
    • New Member Intros, open discussion
    • Project Updates


    August 22, 2019NO CALL
    September 5, 2019Agenda
    September 19, 2019Agenda
    October 3, 2019Agenda
    August 22, 2019Guest Speaker: Kevin Otto, GS1 Overview and Application to Supply Chain :

    Meeting Notes & Recordings

    Date of meetingNotesSlidesRecording
    Thursday, May 23rd, 9am PSTMinutes - May 23Jay Chugh - Meeting SlidesRecording
    Thursday, June 6th, 9am PSTMinutes - June 6

    Jay Chugh - Meeting Slides

    Dave Cecchi - Project Grid Overview Slides 

    Thursday, June 20, 9 am PSTMinutes - June 20Jay Chugh - Meeting SlidesRecording
    Thursday, July 11, 9 am PSTMinutes - July 11

    Jay Chugh - No slides

    Santanu Mukherjee - Food Consortium - Slides

    Part 01

    Part 02

     Hot Topics

    Getting Started

    Group Updates

    Join Now and help promote Image Added

    Communication Channels

    These are the mechanisms that this working group uses to communicate.

    Mailing List

    Chat Channel

    We use the #supply-chain-sig channel on Rocket Chat.

    Project Proposals

    Review and propose any new project proposals here: SC-SIG Project Proposals

    Active Polls

    What time should we hold the bi-weekly meetings?  (Poll ends June 21, 2019) 


    Leave the below sections for all space types.