Versions Compared


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Current best results:

Caliper "open" test using caliper simple contract: 750-

  •  1 caliper connected to a single node: 750 TPS
  •  2 calipers connected to individual nodes: 950 TPS
  •  2 calipers connected to their own node: 1200 TPS

Caliper ERC20 token transfer test: 500-:

  •  1 caliper connected to a single node: 520 TPS
  •  2 calipers connected to individual nodes: 570 TPS
  •  2 calipers connected to their own node: 645 TPS


  • 4 QBFT validators
  • Configuration:
    • Env:

      • BESU_OPTS=-XX:MaxRAMPercentage=70.0

    • CLI:

      • besu --discovery-enabled=false --Xdns-enabled=true --Xdns-update-enabled=true --min-gas-price=0 --data-path=./data --genesis-file=../genesis.json --rpc-http-api=ETH,QBFT,ADMIN,NET --rpc-ws-api=ETH,QBFT,ADMIN,NET --metrics-port=6060 --logging=INFO --rpc-http-enabled=true --rpc-ws-enabled=true --graphql-http-enabled --metrics-enabled=true --remote-connections-limit-enabled=false --tx-pool-disable-locals --tx-pool=sequenced --tx-pool-limit-by-account-percentage=0.55 --rpc-http-max-active-connections=300 --data-storage-format=FOREST --cache-last-blocks=32

    • Besu start logs:
         # Java: -ibmcorporation-eclipseopenj9vm-java-17  
         # Maximum heap size: 7.00 GB           
         # OS: linux-x86_64      
         # glibc: 2.35           
         # jemalloc: 5.2.1-0-gea6b3e973b477b8061e0076bb257dbd7f3faa756    
         # Total memory: 30.83 GB               
         # CPU cores: 8  
    • Pod limits/requests:
      • Limits:
        cpu:     4
        memory:  10Gi
        cpu:     2500m
        memory:  5Gi
  • K8S node size: 
    • m6i.2xlarge 
    • gp3 storage
    • Capacity:

        attachable-volumes-aws-ebs:  39

        cpu:                         8

        ephemeral-storage:           104845292Ki

        hugepages-1Gi:               0

        hugepages-2Mi:               0

        memory:                      32329184Ki
