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Comment: added pitch deck and value proposition canvas

This is a proposal.  Please leave your feedback as comments.

Pitch Deck: 

Value Proposition Canvas for Companies: 



GRI reporting:

  • GRI 101: Foundation (  
    • principles for defining report quality  
      • accuracy
      • comparability 
      • reliability
    • Presenting information
      • 2.6 If the reporting organization reports a required disclosure using a reference to another source where the information is located, the organization shall ensure:
        • 2.6.1 the reference includes the specific location of the required disclosure;
        • 2.6.2 the referenced information is publicly available and readily accessible.
    • Claims that a report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards
      • → Opportunity: GRI digital signs the reports that are in accordance with the GRI Standards
    • Notifying GRI of the use of the Standards
  • GRI 102: General Disclosures (2016)
    • 1.  Organizational Profile
      • → Proof of origin of the organization's profile → Verifiable Credentials???
    • In general: 
      • → cryptographic signing of any document provided??? 
      • → Storing hash values of documents to blockchains?
    • Disclosure 102-56: External assurance 
      • Digitally sign the external reports??
      • publish a hash value or certain metadata on public blockchain???
      • Giving the auditors a digital identity?
      • Could a part of the external assurance be automated by smart contracts???
  • GRI 103: Management Approach (2016)
    • see GRI 102: In general
  • GRI 305: Emissions (2016)
    • Disclosure 305-1: Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions
      • "apply emission factors and GWP rates consistently for the data disclosed;"
        • → document emissions factors used in an immutable ledger
    • Disclosure 305-2 Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions
      • The ‘GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance’ requires organizations to provide two distinct Scope 2 values:
        • A location-based method reflects the average GHG emissions intensity of grids on which energy consumption occurs, using mostly grid-average emission factor data
        • A market-based method reflects emissions from electricity that an organization has purposefully chosen. It derives emission factors from contractual instruments
        • → Utility emissions channel: location-based grid factors are already covered. market-based could be included: Great opportunity to use parts of our existing lab????
    • Disclosure 305-3 Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions
      • ToDo: Great potential!!
  • GRI 308: Supplier Environmental Assignment (2016)
    • "The reporting organization shall report its management approach for supplier environmental assessment using"
    • Disclosure 308-1 New suppliers that were screened using environmental criteria
    • Disclosure 308-2 Negative environmental impacts in the supply chain and actions taken
    • → Use there published and signed data (and/or reports) to verify their negative environmental impacts






CSR in general:

CSR Or Sustainability Report: Definition, Meaning, Benefits & Examples From Companies

The KPMG Survey of Sustainability Reporting 2020

European Commission - Corporate sustainability reporting

Blockchain and CSR:

Blockchain and Corporate Social Responsibility — Synergies and Momentum

How Blockchain Helps with Corporate Social Responsibility

Blockchain reporting: The Opportunities & Challenges for CSR

3 Ways Blockchain Can Positively Influence CSR

Blockchain Technology: Its Ability to Transform Corporations' Corporate Social Responsibility Practices

Benefits for companies:

CSR Reports: Benefits for Businesses

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) - Business benefits of corporate social responsibility

Pain points in CSR reporting:

How to Take the Pain Out of CSR Reporting

Pain points of Corporate Responsibility managers across the world