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Comment: added pitch deck and value proposition canvas

This is a proposal.  Please leave your feedback as comments.

Pitch Deck: 

Value Proposition Canvas for Companies: 



In general, reporting processes for non-financial data do not offer the same level of maturity as those for financial reporting. External assurance helps to ensure the reliability of the data and can assist the supervisory board in performing its monitoring function. In addition, external assurance can identify gaps in the reporting process and the approach to controlling, which enables further improvements to the sustainability reporting approach. → Highlight potentials of how blockchain technology can (1) replace parts of the external assurance by the design of the technology (2) Evaluate costs of both approaches (3) increase the interoperability/integration of CSR reports of different companies

Existing Solution Providers

GRI reporting:

  • GRI 101: Foundation (  
    • principles for defining report quality  
      • accuracy
      • comparability 
      • reliability
    • Presenting information
      • 2.6 If the reporting organization reports a required disclosure using a reference to another source where the information is located, the organization shall ensure:
        • 2.6.1 the reference includes the specific location of the required disclosure;
        • 2.6.2 the referenced information is publicly available and readily accessible.





    • Claims that a report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards
      • → Opportunity: GRI digital signs the reports that are in accordance with the GRI Standards
    • Notifying GRI of the use of the Standards
  • GRI 102: General Disclosures (2016)
    • 1.  Organizational Profile
      • → Proof of origin of the organization's profile → Verifiable Credentials???
    • In general: 
      • → cryptographic signing of any document provided??? 
      • → Storing hash values of documents to blockchains?
    • Disclosure 102-56: External assurance 
      • Digitally sign the external reports??
      • publish a hash value or certain metadata on public blockchain???
      • Giving the auditors a digital identity?
      • Could a part of the external assurance be automated by smart contracts???
  • GRI 103: Management Approach (2016)
    • see GRI 102: In general
  • GRI 305: Emissions (2016)
    • Disclosure 305-1: Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions
      • "apply emission factors and GWP rates consistently for the data disclosed;"
        • → document emissions factors used in an immutable ledger
    • Disclosure 305-2 Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions
      • The ‘GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance’ requires organizations to provide two distinct Scope 2 values:
        • A location-based method reflects the average GHG emissions intensity of grids on which energy consumption occurs, using mostly grid-average emission factor data
        • A market-based method reflects emissions from electricity that an organization has purposefully chosen. It derives emission factors from contractual instruments
        • → Utility emissions channel: location-based grid factors are already covered. market-based could be included: Great opportunity to use parts of our existing lab????
    • Disclosure 305-3 Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions
      • ToDo: Great potential!!
  • GRI 308: Supplier Environmental Assignment (2016)
    • "The reporting organization shall report its management approach for supplier environmental assessment using"
    • Disclosure 308-1 New suppliers that were screened using environmental criteria
    • Disclosure 308-2 Negative environmental impacts in the supply chain and actions taken
    • → Use there published and signed data (and/or reports) to verify their negative environmental impacts




CSR in general:

CSR Or Sustainability Report: Definition, Meaning, Benefits & Examples From Companies

The KPMG Survey of Sustainability Reporting 2020

European Commission - Corporate sustainability reporting

Blockchain and CSR:

Blockchain and Corporate Social Responsibility — Synergies and Momentum

How Blockchain Helps with Corporate Social Responsibility

Blockchain reporting: The Opportunities & Challenges for CSR

3 Ways Blockchain Can Positively Influence CSR

Blockchain Technology: Its Ability to Transform Corporations' Corporate Social Responsibility Practices

Benefits for companies:

CSR Reports: Benefits for Businesses

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) - Business benefits of corporate social responsibility

Pain points in CSR reporting:

How to Take the Pain Out of CSR Reporting

Pain points of Corporate Responsibility managers across the world