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Vipin Bharathan  Dec 30, 2021, New York.

Project Meetings

neferti is a project in Hyperledger labs. Hyperledger labs is an open source code community with a low barrier to entry. Any and all are welcome to join and contribute to the lab. The lab maintainers will be the governors. neferti plans a low-code and highly secure implementation to create ecosystems for issuing and trading NFTs, in a protocol agnostic way. neferti code will address market place utilities for issuance and trading of NFTs. neferti implementation will allow for extensibility and openness. An initial reference Hyperledger Fabric implementation is planned. 


In NFT, the definition of fungibility is negated; that is, each token is unique and one cannot be exchanged for another.  

Fractionalization is a closely related concept, in most implementations of NFT, tokens cannot be fractionalized. If fractionalion is available, then fractions of the same NFT token are fungible; another related topic is the concept of tokens of the same kind; an example used is skins in a game, there may be many copies of a skin that is fungible as long as certain elements of the meta-data match. This is the idea behind ERC-1155.

A software system for the creation and trading for NFTs has to account for a way to tie the NFT to the unique object at issuance (Identity, authorization and a global registry); a marketplace for trading NFTs, which means establishing a price for the NFT as well as means to transfer ownership. This means an An implementation of these actions through interfaces supported by NFT token attributes and metadata.

As reuse Reuse is one of the defining characteristics of human endeavorsoftware development, the following is proposed. 


As Ethereum has been the main driver of NFTs, standards are most mature in EIPs (Ethereum Improvement Proposals). These standards have been implemented in Open Zeppelin and in other locations. Three standards are of note in NFTs: ERC 721, ERC-1155 and ERC 998.  Of this ERC-721 is most commonly used. The implementation of eThaler as ERC-1155 in Hyperledger labs and its subsequent reuse in the Climate Accounting project means that these standards are mappable to Hyperledger projects like Fabric.



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