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We are creating the Hyperledger Technical Ambassador program to create an official role for technical evangelists that have expertise in the different Hyperledger projects who are interested in participating in speaking engagements and helping new community members get involved in the the Process of REBOOTING the Ambassador Program! 


With this program, we plan to achieve the following goals:


  • I googled "University of Iowa ACM" which linked me here
  • This linked me through to the ACM chapter page which had a list of officers
  • The president's page is kept up to date and had his university email listed


Got additional questions? Message Kyle Den Hartog on rocketchat and rocketchat and I can offer situational help


There are Hyperledger meetups happening in over 50 countries around the world and there are likely one or more meetup groups near you. Supporting nearby Hyperledger meetup groups is a great activity for Ambassadors. For instance, Kishore Seshagiri is supporting the meetup groups in India by doing the following:

  • Look at the map of meetup groups and find the ones near you
  • Reach out and introduce yourself to the organizers (post on the Ambassador mail mail list if you'd like to receive an introduction)
  • Go to and speak at the events when possible (although you certainly don't need to go to every event to support the groups)
  • Connect organizers with community members who live in the area or are traveling to the area -- this is a big help to organizers since their number one request is with getting help in finding speakers
  • Share relevant project news with organizers so they're aware of what's happening and make yourself available to answer any questions they have.


The Hyperledger community has a collection of Slides that we store on Google Drive. Ambassadors are requested to add to this folder any presentation material that would be useful to share with other technical ambassadors and the larger community. In addition, please add a link on the presentations page.


Ambassadors have a role that complements other efforts in the community, in particular, the Hyperledger Speaker’s Bureau and Hyperledger Meetup program. Ambassadors may choose to also participate in those programs. To help clarify the different roles and responsibilities, here are more details about how these programs interact.


Active members of the Hyperledger technical community (as defined in Section 4.a.ii of the Hyperledger Charter) are welcome to apply to become an Ambassador, although only people with a solid understanding of the project and with demonstrated contributions to the community will be accepted. The Linux Foundation Hyperledger staff will vet and approve these applications. To prepare for applying, we encourage you to take the free Hyperledger training course and to get actively involved in the community. Some community members who have already been performing the roles of an Ambassador will be invited to join the program.