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Project Title

Integrating Substrate Framework with Hyperledger Fabric for Enhanced Interoperability


titlein progress

Primary Focus


Project Overview:  This project investigates the integration of substrate framework with Hyperledger Fabric. Hyperledger Fabric is a permissioned blockchain platform designed for enterprise use cases, while Substrate is a flexible framework for building blockchains, allowing developers to create customized blockchains tailored to specific needs. The interoperability and integration of these two aim to bridge the gap between permissioned and public blockchain ecosystems, thereby extending the functionality and use case applicability of both. We aim to Shared Business Logic via Smart Contracts and Chaincode. The Objective is to enable shared business logic that operates across both Substrate and Hyperledger Fabric. This requires the implementation of business logic in a way that parts of it run on Substrate and other parts on Fabric, depending on the specific needs of the use case (e.g., public verification on Substrate, private transactions on Fabric). This will involve developing a common interface or standard for smart contracts or pallets on Substrate and Chaincode on Fabric to interact, allowing for data exchange, transaction validation, and cross-chain operations.


 Hyperledger Fabric.

Mentee Skills

Proficiency in Hyperledger Fabric smart contract development and network development. 

The mentee is also expected to have a solid grasp of the Substrate framework, with the capability to navigate its modular structure for building customized blockchain solutions.

Mentor(s) Names and Contact Info

Sara Rouhani, Assistant Professor, University of Manitoba,

Koosha Esmaeilzadeh Khorasani, Graduate student, University of Manitoba,

Mentee's Name and Contact Info

Saeed Moradi, Graduate Student, University of Manitoba,