Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Maintain Product quality
  • Fix problems that are important to users
  • Engage the community in working toward the best possible product
  • Enable a sustainable system for maintainers to review contributions
  • Further explanation on PR & commit messages can be found in the [How to Write a Git Commit Message] article  article by [ Chris Beams].

Please follow these steps to have your contribution considered by the approvers:


The following guidelines, based on Hyperledger FabicFabric's contribution guidelines will help ensure that your pull request gets promptly reviewed.


  • This limits the surface area of the change, and makes it easier to identify root causes when issues arise.
  • Make sure your PR doesn't display commits that are not part of it. This may happen if your fork is not up to date.
Link to


  • When submitting your PR, include the JIRA ticketthe issue's link in the description and number in the title (i.e. [BESU-99] My Awesome PR), this helps provide more context on your work and auto-update the JIRA issue ticket to include a link to your PR.


lines of code (LOC) per PR
  • PRs get near exponentially longer to review as the number of lines of code increase. Ideally, try and keep your changes to under 300 LOC. If that is not possible, try and break up your PR into smaller ones for reviewers to review sequentially.
  • One way to do this if, for some reason, the change has to all go in the codebase at once, is to have a PR open on the Besu repository linking to smaller PRs on your Besu fork.


  • As mentioned above, your commit title should include the JIRA ticket the issue number (i.e. [BESU-99]) while the description should link to the jira ticketissue. Please include a comprehensive description of the changes in your commit description.


  • Don't let a PR sit idle with unaddressed comments until it gets to a point where you need to rebase the whole thing. If you are pausing your work on an issue, please indicate it in the PR comments. You can also change your PR to draft status.
What if the status checks are failing?
