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  • CHAOSS discussion 
  • Initiative Brainstorming (Dan Middleton / All)
    • Besides the community questionnaire, what more do we need for baselining the community?
    • How will we generate gender diversity and inclusion recommendations?
    • What other areas are people passionate about and can suggest actions for?
      • Are there technical recommendations? (Make first commits easier? Convert a one time contributor to a two-time contributor? ...?)
      • Outreach to member companies and other companies "staffing" Hyperledger projects?





World Forum:


Alissa: We've been working on this for a while. Has videos of people talking about the industry, interviews that speak to about describing their experiences. We can publish an interesting report

Swetha: Timeline - if we release a survey (our next meeting in Nov). Are we going to get low participation due to the holiday? Alissa: Still have time in Nov, Dec, can continue to blast out a request for input into January. 

Chair Election

One individual volunteered. Has not attended meetings previously. Or individual on this call? Did extend the nomination period once. 

Mark: Anticipate Thursday TSC will vote to abolish working groups and turn them into different things. Does this become a task force with a set day and time? Does it become a technical SIG?

Dan: Technical working groups had moved past their original charters. Has been an issue for working groups that have been around for more than a year. Chartered within the past 12 months are not in a position as some of the previous working group. We are still active on this original charter, a change of name would not stop us from progress. Should this be cause for holding off on the chair process? 

David: We can go back to volunteer, since we haven't engaged with you in the past, invite her to the next one. In two weeks, we would have more clarity. 

Others expressed interest, concern about availability. Postpone for a month to see how things shake out between the steering committee and the marketing committee? 

Virtual Meetings vs. Phone Calls

Timezone issues. May help once we have specific initiatives to charge toward. Action plan - assign tasks. A day we all decide something is due, live collaboration or quasi-live, allocating some portion of (ie every other Wednesday). Spend time on the chat channel or wiki page to take care of action items. Still using some sort of timeboxing, without needing people on at the exact same hour. Our group exists to model more inclusive behaviors. Experiment, for example, not have calls for three months, reconvene and see how that works? Share lessons learned with the community. DCI Action Day - not a meeting - Action items. Explore alternative ways to be an inclusive organization. Try different approaches. 

One immediate - two weeks, virtual meeting day. Asynchronous, the next day, how did it go? Shall we meet on the phone in the subsequent meeting? Or, keep the phone call for a debriefing on how the virtual meeting went. How are active are people on the mailing list? If we take this discussion to the mail list? If we get people who can't make the call to say, yes, I will participate. 

Or can still have meetings, no agenda items allowed unless mentioned on the mailing list first. 

Survey Review

Substantive review comments. Small things, let's stay away from those things we're okay with