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On Today's Call:

  • Review:  
    • White paper
    • New Cardea use cases
  • PresentationPresentation: Jeff Grant and Glenn Keet, Citizen, Invitae

9am PT/ 10am MT/ 12pm ET


  • Keela Shatzkin, Ken Ebert, Mike Ebert, Steve Davis, Tim Spring, Trevor Butterworth, Mike Ebert, Jeff Grant, Glenn Keet, Adrian Gropper, JD, Gigo Joseph, ManjudevarajHelen Garneau


  • Next meeting: 910/2812

Previous Agenda Notes:

New Meeting Introductions:

    • Discussion:
        • Glenn Keet, Lead, HIE Strategy & Business Development, Ciitizen, Invitae
        • Jeff Grant, Lead, HIE Implementation, Ciitizen, Invitae
      • Image Removed
      • Focus areas:
        • Populations
          • patients with Cancer
          • patients with Epilepsy
        • Connecting eligible patients to clinical trials
      • Patients are entitled to receive access to their medical records 
        • HIPAA 1996
        • 21st Century Cures Act 2018 (2021 enforcement)
      • Cures Gateway solution
        • self service solution to remotely request & receive their medical data
        • Identity verification
          • NIST IAL2
          • Standard protocols for interacting with HIEs
      • PHA = Personal Health App
        • 2% of the population have one
        • Ciitizen offers one to close the market gap
        • PHA has no cost to connect with Cures Gateway
        • Workflow:
          • Use 3rd party for id proofing technology: Persona
      • What's the point?
        • Solve a problem for HIEs with Cures compliance
        • Give patients access to their own records
          • enable sharing with research grade "computable" format
            • For second opinions and follow up care, sharing with providers
          • Marketplace for patients to be able to:
            • Find eligible trials
            • Sell their data if they want to
          • Leverage ML/AI for helping provide possible treatment options with outcome driven assessment
      • Where does the data live?
        • On the PHA (and with whatever their governance/terms and conditions are)
        • Consumer gets to choose their app and what they're willing to accept
        • Ciitizen PHA:
          • Storing the data in FHIR native solution
      • Blockchain
        • how does this get leveraged?
        • Identity credential
          • Exploring the idea of using API calls to other identity solutions to accept someone's federated solutions
          • Identity cost is a factor
          • Mutually authenticated connection allows patient and company to know they're talking to the right people
          • How to leverage in-person identity proofing?
        • Smart contracts
          • allow the patient to be able to govern who can utilize what specific data (diabetes but not MH for example)
          • Access control is also available to help manage this

    Future Agendas

        • Roadmap slide for white paper
          • Evaluation and market assessment for alternate implementations
          • Tune schemas to the new area of focus for Cardea
          • Expand agent functionality for latest in Biometic and security management
          • What else might need to be updated to bring this code into present use/compliance with standards?
            • Like connection creation/handshakes, etc
        • What happens with the whitepaper NEXT
          • Hyperledger blog update and description on the white paper updates and program overall
          • Promote the current scenario/use case
            • Identity SIG?
            • Meetup to discuss where we want to go with Cardea
        • Agendas and planning purposes
          • Interactions with HL7 - can we build a bridge
          • Lock in the messaging about the next use case... how to communicate and encourage engagement on
      • Keela to re-read the white paper to determine if we think a security best practices is needed

    Future Agendas

      • Finalize messaging on the future/new focus use casesWhitepaper draft review- resuming from page 23

    Call Recording: