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Supply Chain Special Interest Group (SIG)


Hyperledger Supply Chain Special Interest Group (SC-SIG) represents a global membership of logistics and supply chain professionals united in advancing the state of the supply chain industry through the implementation of enterprise-grade technology solutions utilizing the Hyperledger greenhouse of business blockchain frameworks and tools.

Supply Chain SIG wiki page : Supply Chain SIG

Report Author(s)

Tom Klein

Supply Chain-SIG Overall Health

We are making progress in additional involvement and creating value;  though we are at the earlier stages of this work.  

Issues and Challenges

  • Have over 300 subscribers to our email list so the challenge is to create some catalysts to encourage more involvement.  We weren't able to get any votes in the list for our small project ideas.
  • Develop a vision for what this group really represents
  • Declining zoom call attendance when we have a speaker.
  • Cross SIG working together
  • Getting a diverse set of individuals to participate

Overall Activity in the last 6 months

  • Host Biweekly zoom meetings.    The first five months had speakers on various supply chain related topics.  Since June we've moved to alternating a speaker and a working session.
  • Still getting 1-3 people joining the subscription list each week, with a 2-3 departures a month.
  • Started two small project teams to start establishing our value.  These were voted on by about 10 people who attended a working session.  The winners were Supply Chain Use Case Cataloging and RFI/RFP question development.  
  • Early stage discussions with Trade Finance and Climate Action to look for ways to work together.

Planned Work Products

  • Use Case Catalog
  • RFI/RFP question template for use by enterprises interested in applying blockchain
  • Continue to invite speakers. Our 7/22 call with a leader from Renault to share their part tracking work was arranged with Daniela's help.

Participant Diversity

  • Still needs work across all dimensions. Based on observations, our biggest gaps are 
    • Women/POC
    • Technical skills
    • Folks from enterprises in this space
  • We are open to ideas from the Hyperledger team on how to continue evolving.

Additional Information 

Thanks to Daniela for participating more actively in our group.

Date Published:

