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June 14 2024 - Trusted Enterprise AI & ML - Mohan Venkataraman 

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Youtube video replay of the session

TYS-Trusted Enterprise AI & ML - Mohan Venkataraman-Hyperledger-Meetup 04142024.pdf

Link to Mohan's Linkedin article 

DLT Enabled Trusted Enterprise AI & ML

The session addresses the value proposition for blockchain and AI.

  • AI use must be governed, controlled, monitored, and managed
  • Opportunity & Challenges of AI & ML for Enterprises
  • An Enterprise AI/ML Layered View
  • Key actors: Users, Models ( & Agents), Prompts
  • DLT-enabled Enterprise AI Trust Protocols

Online | Friday, June 14th at 10 AM EDT / 14:00 UTC

hashtag#hyperledger hashtag#publicsector hashtag#hyperledgermeetup hashtag#hyperledgerboston

May 17, 2024 10 AM ET - INATBA Overview with Morgane Stein

Morgane Stein - INATBA Overview > Hyperledger youtube meeting recording:  

INATBA Overview Slide deck pdf:   


Morgane Stein, Head of Industry Partnerships, Events & Membership Recruitment, presents an overview of INATBA - the International Association for Trusted Blockchain Applications. Come join us to find out how INATBA helps educate and expand DLT use in Europe and the World 

1. INATBA introduction (Mission / Key pillars)
2. INATBA Overall structure & main activities
3. Community: Industry members, Government & Academic Advisory bodies
4. Working groups & Taskforces
5. Tools & main activities
6. Joining us benefits and process
7. Questions

Meeting Zoom link >>

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Launched in 2019 with the support of the European Commission, INATBA – International Association for Trusted Blockchain Applications, is a highly influential Association in advocating for Blockchain and DLT adoption in Europe and globally.
INATBA offers public and private developers and users of DLT a global forum to interact with regulators and policymakers and bring blockchain technology to the next stage.

INATBA is mainly known for its credibility with regulatory authorities and policymakers and is appraised for its contributions to Markets in Crypto Asset Regulation (MICA), Transfer of Funds Regulation (TFOR), electronic Identification, Authentication and Trust Services (eIDAS), CHAISE Project, EU Pact for Skills, Academic & Governmental Advisory Bodies, and its passionate diverse global community of CEOs, CTOs, Heads of Policy, Public/Institutional Relations, Legal, Marketing, BizDev, Developers and Policymakers. To learn more, visit

Morgane Stein - Head of Industry Partnerships, Events & Membership Recruitment

Morgane is an experienced international Project Manager & Growth Specialist currently acting as Head of Industry Partnerships, Events & Membership Recruitment at INATBA.
After graduating from ESC Rennes School of Business with a MSc in Sustainable Management and Eco-Innovation, under a partnership programme with EME - Environmental Engineering School; she developed a particular interest in fast-growing markets/ tech-oriented / disruptive and ethical business models, while monitoring global market developments related to the boom of e-commerce.
Curious about technological innovation, she curated a number of high level events throughout the globe, covering a range of topics in relation to finance and digital payments, before focusing exclusively on driving the blockchain ecosystem forward, working at the intersection of regulation & innovation.

April 26, 2024 - Open Discussion on UN SDGs, trust and blockchain value - Jim Mason

Meeting Zoom Link

This session is intended to be a forum to get thoughts on some of the UN SDGs and their relationship to trust and blockchain. I'll provide a quick summary of a few SDGs, some basic trust concepts and open the floor for discussion.

Online | Friday, April 26th at 10 AM EDT / 14:00 UTC

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session slide deck 

Jan 7, 2024 - Planning discussion on Key Topics - Jim Mason, Saptarshi Choudhury

Discussed Farm to Plate concepts on 


Oct 20, 2023 - SSI Self Sovereign Identity Use Case Discussion - Jim Mason


Discussed concepts, strategies for using Self Sovereign Identity and Verifiable Credentials

Reviewed State of Rhode Island project 

Reviewed potential use cases going forward for governments implementing SSI solutions

Discussed a Brazilian university use cases for SSI



SSI use cases covered:

UC1 - Not all residents have access to digital equipment for digital services
UC2 - residents with digital access may lose their access ( eg lost phone )
UC3 - Residents need free, reliable digital vaults for backup of digital wallets, ids, credentials
UC4 - Residents need full recovery capabilities to securely restore access to their digital wallets, vaults
UC5 - A state has many applications for residents usually accessible through a user id and password today, a digital ID should provide the same access

Resources referenced:

June 9, 2023 - ESG and Blockchain - Mohan Venkataraman 

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Slide deck from our session today - Thank you Mohan !
